Reviews of MSMS LIII/1-2

W. South Coblin: Francisco Varo's Glossary of the Mandarin Language

Vol.1: An English and Chinese Annotation of the Vocabulario de la Lengua Mandarina,

Vol.2: Pinyin and English Index of the Vocabulario de la Lengua Mandarina


David E. Mungello in Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal 28 (2006): 83.

Thomas Zimmer in China-Report 44 (2006): 24-25.

Andreas Guder in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 102 (2007) 2: 245-247.

John W. Witek in The Catholic Historical Review 94 (2008) 1: 187-188.

Volker Klöpsch in Oriens Extremus 46 (2007): 295-297.