Prof. Dr. Zbigniew Wesołowski S.V.D. 魏思齊 (Editor in Chief)

WesolowskiZbigniew Wesołowski started to study Philosophy and Theology at the S.V.D. Mission seminary in Pieniężno (Poland) from 1977–1980. In the years 1981–1983 he participated in the S.V.D. Overseas Training Program (OTP) studying English in Liverpool and Chinese in Taipei (Taiwan). After returning to Poland, he finished his studies in theology at the University of Lublin with a M.A. on the soteriology of the Buddhist Madhyamika School in 1986. In the same year he started to study Sinology, Comparative Religious Studies, and Philosophy at the University of Bonn and worked at the Monumenta Serica Institute in Sankt Augustin. He received his Ph.D. in 1996 with a thesis on the concept of “life” and “culture” in Liang Shuming’s (1893–1988) Dong–Xi wenhua ji qi zhexue 東西文化及其哲學. From 1999 until 2012 he was teaching at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, being assistant professor from 1999–2004 and associate professor from 2004–2012. In 2002 he became director of the newly-founded branch office of the Monumenta Serica Institute at Fu Jen University, the Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center. He held this office until 2012 when he returned to the Monumenta Serica Institute in Sankt Augustin to support the work of the editorial office as acting editor-in-chief. On 5 November 2012 he was officially appointed editor-in-chief and is in charge of the publication of the journal and the two monograph series. On 25 June 2019 he was officially nominated as the director of the Monumenta Serica Institute.
In addition, he was professor for Comparative Religious Studies and Sinology at the Philosophical Theological Faculty S.V.D. in Sankt Augustin (since February 2020 Kölner Hochschule für Katholische Theologie under the auspices of the Archdiocese of Cologne) in the years 2013-2021. His research interests include Chinese thought and philosophy, Chinese religions, in particular Buddhism, history of Western Sinology and Christianity in China, Confucianism, and comparative Sino-Western cultural studies. His current research project focuses on the idea of “the true” in Classical China.



Edited (with Barbara Hoster, Dirk Kuhlmann und Michał Studnik), Profesor Roman Malek SVD i jego dzieło dla Kościoła w Chinach. Księga pamiątkowa / Prof. Roman Malek SVD und sein Wirken für die Kirche in China. Gedenkschrift / Prof. Roman Malek SVD and His Work for the Church in China. Commemorative Volume, Górna Grupa: VERBINUM, 2021.

Liang Shuming (1893–1988) de wenhuaguan. Genju Dong–Xi wenhua jiqi zhexue yu Zhongguo wenhua yaoyi jieshuo 梁漱溟(1893–1988)的文化觀―根據<東西文化及其哲學>與<中國文化要義> 解說 (Explication of the Concept of Culture in Liang Shuming’s Works Dong–Xi wenhua ji qi zhexue [East and Western Cultures and their Philosophies] and Zhongguo wenhua yaoyi [Essential Meaning of Chinese Culture]). Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe, 2003.

Lebens- und Kulturbegriff von Liang Shuming (1893–1988). Dargestellt anhand seines Werkes Dong–Xi wenhua ji qi zhexue (Liang Shuming’s Concept of Life and Culture. Expounded on the Basis of His Work Dong–Xi wenhua ji qi zhexue. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 38. Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica 1997.

Edited Volumes as Editor-in-Chief of the Monumenta Serica Institute (since 2012)

Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies

Vols.: 60 (2012), 61 (2013), 62 (2014), 63 (2015) 1-2, 64 (2016) 1-2, 65 (2017) 1-2, 66 (2018) 1-2, 67 (2019) 1-2, 68 (2020) 1-2, 69 (2021) 1-2, 70 (2022) 1-2, 71 (2023) 1-2

Monumenta Serica Monograph Series

MSMS 72 Pietro De Laurentis, Protecting the Dharma through Calligraphy in Tang China: A Study of the Ji Wang shengjiao xu 集王聖教序 , Sankt Augustin – Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

MSMS 71 Hu Baozhu, Believing in Ghosts and Spirits: The Concept of Gui in Ancient China. Sankt Augustin – Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

MSMS 50/4b Roman Malek (ed.), The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ, vol. 4b. Supplementary Anthology, General Index, Addenda. Sankt Augustin – Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

MSMS 70 Thomas Jülch, The Zhenzheng lun by Xuanyi: A Buddhist Apologetic Scripture of Tang China. Abingdon, Oxon – New York: Routledge.

MSMS 69 Song Gang, Giulio Aleni, Kouduo richao, and Christian–Confucian Dialogism in Late Ming Fujian. Abingdon, Oxon – New York: Routledge.

MSMS 68/1-2 (With Barbara Hoster and Dirk Kuhlmann), Rooted in Hope. China – Religion – Christianity / In der Hoffnung verwurzelt. China – Religion – Christentum. Festschrift in Honor of Roman Malek S.V.D. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday / Festschrift für Roman Malek S.V.D. zu seinem 65. Geburtstag. (2 vols). Abingdon, Oxon – New York: Routledge,.

MSMS 67 Hu Qiuhua, Konfuzianisches Ethos und westliche Wissenschaft. Wang Guowei (1877-1927) und das Ringen um das moderne China. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge.

MSMS 50/4a. (with Roman Malek S.V.D.) Roman Malek, The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ. Volume 4a: Annotated Bibliography. Leeds: Maney Publishing.

MSMS 66 Piotr Adamek, A Good Son Is Sad if He Hears the Name of His Father. The Tabooing of Names in China as a Way of Implementing Social Values. Leeds: Maney Publishing.

MSMS 65 Dirk Kuhlmann, „Das Fremde im eigenen Lande“. Zur Historiographie des Christentums in China von Liang Qichao (1873–1929) bis Zhang Kaiyuan (geb. 1926). Sankt Augustin: Schmitt Verlag.

MSMS 63/1-2 (With Roman Malek S.V.D.) Ursula Τοyka, The Splendours of Paradise. Murals and Epigraphic Documents at the Early Ming Buddhist Monastery Fahai Si. 2 vols. Sankt Augustin: Steyler Verlag.

MSMS 64 Bernard S. Solomon, On the School of Names in Ancient China. Sankt Augustin: Steyler Verlag.

Collectanea Serica

Claudia von Collani, Der ursprüngliche Sinn der Himmelslehre (Tianxue benyi): Joachim Bouvets (1656–1730) frühe Missionstheologie in China. Analyse, Transkription und Übersetzung der lateinischen Fassungen. (Collectanea Serica, New Series 4)

Lauren F. Pfister (ed.), Polyglot from the Far Side of the Moon: The Life and Works of Solomon Caesar Malan (1812–1894). (Collectanea Serica, New Series 3)

Gail King, “A Model for All Christian Women”: Candida Xu, a Chinese Christian Woman of the Seventeenth Century (Collectanea Serica, New Series 2)


Mieczysław Jerzy Künstler, The Sinitic Languages. A Contribution to Sinological Linguistics. Sankt Augustin – Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, (Collectanea Serica, New Series 1).


S.-J. Deiwiks, B. Führer, T. Geulen (eds.), Europe Meets China – China Meets Europe. The Beginnings of European-Chinese Scientific Exchange in the 17th Century. Sankt Augustin: Steyler Verlag.

Other Edited and Co-edited Volumes

Huang Meiting 黄渼婷 – Wei Siqi 魏思齊 (Zbigniew Wesołowski ) (eds.). Xifang yu Laozi de xiangyu: Huayi xuezhi Laozi lunwen Zhongyi jingxuanji 西方與老子的相遇——《華裔學志》老子論文中譯精選輯 – The Encounter of the Western World and Lao Zi: Chinese Translation of Selected Articles on Lao Zi in Monumenta Serica. Trans. Jiang Ryh-Shin 江日新. Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列, 12. Xinzhuang, New Taipei City: Fu Jen Catholic University Press.


With Huang Meiting 黃渼婷, Sun Zhiwen jiaoshou zhuzuo jingxuan ji ganen zhuanji (shang, xia) 孫志文教授著作精選暨感恩專輯(上、下) (Selected Writings of Professor Arnold Heinrich Sprenger [S.V.D. (1929–2015)] and a Testimony of Grace, 2 vols.). Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe.

Genju Huayi xuezhi renshi Xifang Hanxuejia 根據〈華裔學志〉認識西方漢學家. Meeting Western Sinologists through the Monumenta Serica. Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列 9. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe.

Furen daxue di liu jie Hanxue guoji yantaohui. “Xifang zaoqi (1552–1814 nianjian) Hanyu xuexi he yanjiu” lunwenji 輔仁大學第六屆漢學國際研討會:「西方早期(1552–1814年間)漢語學習和研究」論文集. The Sixth Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium. Early European (1552–1814) Acquisition and Research on Chinese Languages. Symposium Papers. Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列 10. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe.

Yi Hanxue wei Zhong–Xi wenhua zhi qiaoliang. Huayi xuezhi Hanxue yanjiu zhongxin zhuanti yanjiang xuanji 以漢學為中西文化之橋樑―華裔學志漢學研究中心專題演講選集 / Sinology as a Bridge between Chinese and Western Cultures. A Selection of Special Lectures of the Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center. Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列 8. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe.

With Lai Jianjun 賴建均 and Zeng Xiangzhong 曾詳忠, Zhuanye lunli jiaoxue shouce 專業倫理教學手冊. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue zhuanye lunli kecheng weiyuanhui.

Huayi xuezhi Zhong yi lunwen jingxuan. Wenhua jiaoliu he Zhongguo Jidu zongjiao shi yanjiu 「華裔學志」中譯論文精選―文化交流和中國基督宗教史研究 / A Selection of Monumenta Serica Articles Translated into Chinese. Cultural Exchange and Research on the History of Christianity in China. Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列 6. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe.

With A. Tulli, Furen daxue di wu jie Hanxue guoji yantaohui. Yidali yu Zhongguo xiangyu. Yidali Hanxue yanjiu de gongxian 《輔仁大學第五屆漢學國際研討會「義大利與中國相遇:義大利漢學研究的貢獻」》 / Quinto Simposio Internazionale di Sinologia Dell’Università Fu Jen. “L’incontro fra l’Italia e la Cina: Il contributo italiano alla sinologia.” (The Fifth Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium. The Encounter between Italy and China: The Contributions of Italian Sinology). Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列 7. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe.

Furen daxue di si jie Hanxue guoji yantaohui. Zhongguo zongjiao yanjiu. Xiankuang yu zhanwang 輔仁大學第四屆漢學國際研討會─「中國宗教研究:現況與展望」 / The Fourth Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium. Research on Religions in China: Status quo and Perspectives. Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列 5. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe.

Furen daxue di san jie Hanxue guoji yantaohui. Weige he geren gainian zai Zhongguo yu Xifang. Rolf Trauzettel jiaoshou zhouwei de Boen Hanxue xuepai 輔仁大學第三屆漢學國際研討會「位格和個人概念在中國與西方:Rolf Trauzettel 教授周圍的波恩漢學學派」 / Drittes Internationales Sinologisches Symposium der Katholischen Fu Jen Universität. Personen- und Individuumsbegriff in China und im Westen: Der Beitrag der Bonner Sinologischen Schule um Professor Rolf Trauzettel. (The Third Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium. The Concept of Person and Individual in China and the West: On the Contribution of Rolf Trauzettel’s Bonner School of Sinology). Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列 4. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe.

With Lin Zhiming, Furen daxue di er jie Hanxue guoji yantaohui. Qi yan qu er zhong. Hanxue zuowei dui Xifang de xin quanshi – Faguo de gongxian 《輔仁大學第二屆漢學國際研討會「其言曲而中:漢學作為對西方的新全釋―法國的貢獻」》 / Deuxième Colloque international de Sinologie de l’Université Fu Jen – Le detour et l’accès: la sinologie en tant que nouvelle herméneutique pour l’Occident – la contribution française. (The Second Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium. Detour and Access: Sinology as a New Hermeneutics for the West – The French Contribution). Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列 3. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe.

Furen daxue di yi jie Hanxue guoji yantaohui: Youguan Zhongguo xueshu xing de duihua. Yi Huayi xuezhi weili 有關中國學術性的對話―以<華裔學志>為例. (The First Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium. Scholarly Dialogue on China: Monumenta Serica as an Example). Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列 1. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe.

Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies Huayi xuezhi Zhong yi biaoti muluMonumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies―<華裔學志>中譯標題目錄」 / A Catalogue of Titles and Contents of Monumenta Serica. Journal of Oriental Studies. Volumes 1-50 [1935–2002] with Chinese Translation). Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 2. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe.

Articles & Chapters in Edited Volumes

„Liang the Philosopher of Culture“. In: Meynard, T., Major, P. (eds). Dao Companion to Liang Shuming’s Philosophy (Dao Companions to Chinese Philosophy, vol 17). Cham: Springer, 2023, pp. 85–107.

„Xi Jinping’s Zongjiao Zhongguohua (Chinazation of Religion) and the Christian Idea of Inculturation“. Religions & Christianity in Today’s China (e-journal), XIII (2023) 1, pp. 18-43.

„我在天主教輔仁大學的工作經驗 (1999-2012): 天主教大學作為掌握知識及成人處世的場所“ (My Experiences at Fu Jen Catholic University (1999-2012), Taiwan: The Catholic University as a Place of Mastering Knowledge and Becoming a Human Social Being). In: 全人使命與社會療癒聖言會與聖神婢女傳教會在台灣的經驗 (Doing Holistic Mission and Social Healing: Mapping the Experience of SVD and SSpS in Taiwan), edited by Piotr Adamek (Gu Xiaoyong 顧孝永), New Taipei City: Fu Ren daxue chubanshe, 2023, pp. 205-219.

„Family Rituals in Traditional Chinese Culture“. In: “The Key to Forming Good Habits Is to Make Them Part of Your ‘Rituals’”: Ritual and Celebration in Family and in Broader Societal Contexts, edited by Jacek J. Pawlik and Dariusz J. Piwowarczyk, Academia, 2023, S. 33-59.

„John Wu’s (Wu Jingxiong 吳經熊, 1899–1986) Understanding of Mysticism – Beyond East and West“. Religions & Christianity in Today’s China (e-journal) XIII (2023) 4, pp. 21-43.

“The Place and Role of Sino-Confucian Culture and Confucianism in World History according to Liang Shuming’s Thought on Life and Culture,” Roczniki humanistyczne (Sinologia) 70 (2022) 9, 27-57.

“The Virtues of Xiao (Filial Piety) and Ti (Brotherly Obedience) as Two Pillars of Confucian Familism,” Studia Warmińskie 59 (2022), 315-335.

“Beyond East and West: What ‘Ladder’ Did John Wu Use towards This Goal?” (Part Two). Roczniki humanistyczne (Sinologia) 69 (2021) 9, pp. 23-45.

“The Dao of Heaven: Roman Malek SVD (1951-2019) and His Search for the Nature of Chinese Religiosity,” in: Profesor Roman Malek SVD i jego dzieło dla Kościoła w Chinach. Księga pamiątkowa, pp. 41-54.

“Nasza długa, wspólna droga życiowa w Sankt Augustin: Wspomnienia o śp. Romanie Malku SVD” (Our Long Life together in Sankt Augustin: Memories of Roman Malek SVD), in: Profesor Roman Malek SVD i jego dzieło dla Kościoła w Chinach. Księga pamiątkowa, pp. 375-383.

“Polski werbista i wybitny sinolog Roman Malek SVD (1951–2019): Ogólna charakterystyka działalności i twórczości oraz jego poszukiwanie istoty religijności chińskiej” (The Polish Divine Word Missionary and Outstanding Sinologist Roman Malek SVD [1951–2019]: Characteristics of His Life and Work and His Search for the Nature of Chinese religiosity.). Chiny Dzisiaj 13 (2021) 3–4, pp. 56-63.


„In Memoriam Roman Malek S.V.D. (1951–2019)“, Monumenta Serica 68 (2020) 1, S. 227-234.

„Beyond East and West: What ‚Ladder‘ Did John Wu Use towards This Goal?“ (Part One, Roczniki humanistyczne (Sinologia) 68 (2020) 9, S. 21-45.

„A Courtyard House – siheyuan 四合院 as the Dwelling Place of the Traditional Chinese Family“, Forum teologiczne 21 (2020), S. 207-217.

„Hermeneutics of Understanding the Confucian Idea of Truth: Junzi 君子 as a Truth-bearer in the Lunyu 論語“, TEORIA. Rivista di filosofia fondata da Vittorio Sainati 40 (2020) 1, S. 13-34.

„Shen Dao 慎到 (395–315 przed Chr.)“ (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich / Umrisse chinesischer Denker: 16), Chiny Dzisiaj 13 (2020) 1 (44), S. 43-44.

„Han Fei 韓非 (ok. 280–233 przed Chr.)“ (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich / Umrisse chinesischer Denker: 17), Chiny Dzisiaj 13 (2020) 2 (45), S. 49-50.

„Polski werbista i wybitny sinolog Roman Malek SVD (1951–2019): Ogólna charakterystyka działalności i twórczości oraz jego poszukiwanie istoty religijności chińskiej”, Chiny Dzisiaj 13 (2020) 3-4 (46-47), S. 56-63.

„Tian Pian田駢 (ok. 370 – ok. 291 przed Chr.)“ (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich / Umrisse chinesischer Denker: 18), Chiny Dzisiaj 13 (2020) 3-4 (46-47), S. 73-74.

“Key Elements of Zhang Chunyi’s (張純一) (1871-1955) Comparison between Mohism and Christianity in His Work – Moxue yu Jingjiao (《墨學與景教》) (1923),” in Zhexue yu wenhua 哲學與文化 (Universitas: Monthy Review of Philosophy and Culture) 46 (2019) 12 (547), pp. 25-45.

“Missionary and Evangelical Service of the Church in the Far East – China (From the 19th Century to Present), in Misijsko i evangelizacijsko poslanje Crkve: U suvremenom multikulturalnom i mulitkonfesionalnym društvu, Zadar: Sveučilište u Zadru Teološko-Katehetski Odjel Papinsko Sveučilište Urbaniana Fakultet Misiologije Zadarska Nadbiskupija 2019, pp. 225-258.

„Entstehung der christlich-chinesischen Terminologie und die Rolle der Übersetzungen der Bibel in China in diesem Entwicklungsprozess“, in Jahrbuch der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule SVD St. Augustin, vol. 7 (2019), S. 25-53.

„Guan Zhong“ (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich / Umrisse chinesischer Denker: 13), in Chiny Dzisiaj 12 (2019) 1 (40), S. 35-36.

„Shen Buhai” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich / Umrisse chinesischer Denker: 14), in Chiny Dzisiaj 12 (2019) 2 (41), S. 53.

„Shang Yang” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich / Umrisse chinesischer Denker: 15), in Chiny Dzisiaj 12 (2019) 3-4 (42-43), S. 50.

“Dom Misyjny w Sankt Augustin – miesce pracy naukowej polskich werbistów (cz. I i II)” (Mission House Sankt Augustin – A Place of Academic Work of Polisch Divine Word Missionaries; part I and II), Misjonarz (Missionary) 2018/11, pp. 3-5, 2018/12, pp. 12-13.

“Życie kardynała Tomasza Tian Gengxina (1890-1967) na tle burzliwego okresu w historii Chin” (The Life of Cardinal Thomas Tian Gengxin (1890-1967) against the Background of a Turbulent Period in Chinese History), Nurt SVD 1 (2018), pp. 188-208.


„Chinesische Transzendenzerfahrungen zwischen Vergangenheit und Gegenwart: Eine frappierende Kontinuität“. MSMS 68/1-2 (Barbara Hoster, Dirk Kuhlmann, Zbigniew Wesołowski), Rooted in Hope. China – Religion – Christianity / In der Hoffnung verwurzelt. China – Religion – Christentum. Festschrift in Honor of Roman Malek S.V.D. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday / Festschrift für Roman Malek S.V.D. zu seinem 65. Geburtstag. (2 vols). Abingdon, Oxon – New York: Routledge, 2017, vol. 1, pp. 111-135.

“Christentum in China. Ein mühsamer Weg der Inkulturation” (Christianity in China. The Arduous Path towards Inculturation), Jahrbuch der Philosophisch-Theologischen Hochschule SVD St. Augustin 5 (2017), pp. 71-88.

“Jest tylko jeden Kościół w Chinach” (There Is Only One Church in China), Misjonarz (Missionary) 2017/11, pp. 28-29.

“Ulrich Beck’s The Metamorphosis of the World and China’s Place and Role on Our Present-day Globe,” Verbum SVD 58 (2017) 4, pp. 375-394.

“Ekspansja Chin w ciągu wieków” (China’s Expansion during Her History), in: Damian Cichy (ed.), Chińczycy u siebie i na emigracji (The Chinese at home and Their Emigration). Lublin: Wydawnictwo KUL, 2017, pp. 205-222.

Huayi xuezhi jiqi zhubian yu bianji gongzuo. Chuangkan 80 zhounian jinian” 《华裔学志》及其主编与编辑工作―创刊80周年纪念 (On the Occasion of 80th Anniversary of Monumenta Serica. Its Editors and Editorial Work), in: Li Xiangyu 李向玉 (ed.), Zongbian shijiao. Huawen xueshuqikan fazhan qushi guoji yantaohui lunwenji 总编视角―华文学术期刊发展趋势国际研讨会论文集 (Editor’s Perspective. International Symposium on the Future Development of Chinese Social Sciences Academic Journal Proceedings). Beijing: Shehuikexue wenxian chubanshe, 2016, pp. 412-427.

“Song Keng” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich [Vitae of Chinese Thinkers: 12]), Chiny Dzisiaj (China today) 11 (2016) 1-2, pp. 54-55.

“Zarys wierzeń ludów Azji środkowo-wschodniej” (Outline of Religious Beliefs of the People of Central and East Asia), in: Andrzej Zając OFMCon (ed.), Między papieżem a wielkim chanem. O franciszkanach w Azji środkowo-wschodniej (Between Pope and Great Khan: Franciscans in Central-Eastern Asia). Kraków: TeryToria, 2015, pp. 47-77 (published 2016).

“Religion et paix sociale. Une chance pour le christianisme en Chine communiste?” (Religion and Social Peace. An Opportunity for Christianity in China?), Spiritus. Revue d’expériences et recherches missionnaires 223 (2016), pp. 135-144. (Translation of the German article “Religion und sozialer Friede. Eine Chance für das Christentum im kommunistischen China?” from 2015).

“Chiński konwertyta John Wu (Wu Jingxiong 吳經熊, 1899–1986) i jego duchowy dialog z religiami Chin” (Chinese Convert John Wu and his Spiritual Dialogue with the Religions of China), Nurt SVD 140 (2016) 2, pp. 350-377.

“Liezi” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich [Vitae of Chinese Thinkers: 10]), Chiny Dzisiaj 10 (2015) 1-2, pp. 52-53

“Yangzhu” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich [Vitae of Chinese Thinkers: 11]), Chiny Dzisiaj 10 (2015) 3-4, p. 53.

Ponad Wschodem i Zachodem. O jaki ideał człowieczeństwa chodziło Johnowi Wu (1899–1986)?, część II” (Beyond East and West. What Ideal of Humanity was lived by John Wu?, part II), Chiny Dzisiaj 10 (2015) 3-4, pp. 39-47.

“The Eightieth Anniversary of Monumenta Serica and Monumenta Serica Institute. A Series of Small Celebrations,” Verbum SVD 56 (2015) 3, pp. 277-290.

Huayi xuezhi jiqi zhubian yu bianji gongzuo. Chuangkan 80 zhounian jinian” 《華裔學志》及其主編與編輯工作:創刊80周年紀念 (Monumenta Serica and Its Editors. Retrospect on Editorial Work on the Occasion of Its 80th Anniversary), Aomen ligong xuebao 澳門理工學報 / Journal of Macao Polytechnic Institute 2015/4, pp. 109-119.

“Religion und sozialer Friede. Eine Chance für das Christentum im kommunistischen China?” (Religion and Social Peace. An Opportunity for Christianity in China?), Ordenskorrespondenz. Zeitschrift für Fragen des Ordenslebens 56 (2015) 4, pp. 445-454.

„Kilka uwag na temat idei prawdy w klasycznych Chinach. Część druga: Wyjaśnienie idei prawdy na przykładzie Dialogów Konfucjańskich (Lunyu 論語): Junzi 君子 jako nosiciele prawdy” (A Few Remarks upon the Idea of Truth in Classical China. Part Two: The Explanation of the Idea of Truth on the Example of The Analects of Confucius [Lunyu] – Junzi as Truth-Bearers), Nurt SVD 48 (2014) 1, pp. 53-73.

Ponad Wschodem i Zachodem. O jaki ideał człowieczeństwa chodziło Johnowi Wu (1899–1986)?” (Beyond East and West. What Ideal of Humanity was Lived by John Wu?), Chiny Dzisiaj 9 (2014) 3, pp. 28-34.

“Xunzi” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich [Vitae of Chinese Thinkers: 9]), Chiny Dzisiaj 9 (2014) 3, pp. 49-51.

“Mencjusz” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich [Vitae of Chinese Thinkers: 7]), Chiny Dzisiaj 9 (2014) 1, pp. 54-55.

“Zhuangzi” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich [Vitae of Chinese Thinkers: 8]), Chiny Dzisiaj 9 (2014) 2, pp. 58-59.

“Kilka uwag na temat idei prawdy w klasycznych Chinach. Część pierwsza: Rozważania metodyczno-metodologiczne” (A Few Remarks upon the Idea of Truth in Classical China. Part One: Reflections on Method and Methodology), Nurt SVD 47 (2013) 1, pp. 7-35.

“Stosunek logosu do mitu u starożytnych Greków i Chińczyków. Przyczynek do zrozumeina relacji pomiędzy religią a filozofią na Zachodzie i w Chinach” (Relation of Logos to Myth in Greek and Chinese Ancient Cultures. A Contribution to Understanding the Relation between Religion and Philosophy in West and China), Chiny dzisiaj 8 (2013) 1, pp. 20-27.

“Mozi” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich [Vitae of Chinese Thinkers: 3]), Chiny Dzisiaj 8 (2013) 1, pp. 47-48.

“Zengzi” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich [Vitae of Chinese Thinkers: 4]), Chiny Dzisiaj 8 (2013) 2, pp. 57-58.

“Zisi” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich [Vitae of Chinese Thinkers: 5]), Chiny Dzisiaj 8 (2013) 3, pp. 46-47.

“Hui Shi” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich [Vitae of Chinese Thinkers: 6]), Chiny Dzisiaj 8 (2013) 4, pp. 47-48.

“Editor’s Epilogue,” in: Bernard S. Solomon, On the School of Names in Ancient China. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 64. Sankt Augustin: Steyler Verlag, 2013, pp. 155-161.

“Konfucjusz” (Konfucius; Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich [Vitae of Chinese Thinkers: 1]), Chiny dzisiaj 7 (2012) 2, pp. 47-48.

“‘Trzy religie tworzą jedność’. Idea a rzeczywistość w chińskiej tradycji religijnej” (Three Religions Constitute a Unity. Idea and Reality in Chinese Religious Tradition), Chiny dzisiaj 7 (2012) 3-4, pp. 19-26.

“Laozi” (Sylwetki myślicieli chińskich [Vitae of Chinese Thinkers: 2]), Chiny dzisiaj 7 (2012) 3-4, p. 48.

“A Note of the Editor-in-Chief on the Completion of the First Sexagenary Cycle of the Monumenta Serica,” Monumenta Serica 60 (2012), pp. v-vii.

With Roman Malek, “Vorwort zur deutschen Neuausgabe. Paradigmenwechsel in der Historiographie des Christentums in China” (Preface to German Re-edition. The Paradigm Shift in the Historiography of Christianity in China), in: Jacque Gernet, Die Begegnung Chinas mit dem Christentum. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 62. Sankt Augustin: Steyler Verlag, 2012, pp. xi-xv.

“Goldjubiläum in Taipeh. Seit 50 Jahren dient die katholische Fu-Jen-Universität der Gesellschaft und der Kirche in Taiwan” (Golden Jubilee in Taipei. Since 50 Years Fu Jen Catholic University Serves Society and Church in Taiwan), Steyler Missionschronik 2012, pp. 41-47.

“Pożegnanie z Katolickim Uniwerstetem Fu Jen” (Farewell to Fu Jen Catholic University), Misjonarz 2012/9, pp. 6-9.

“Zhuanye lunli daolun. Gainian shuoming, lunli yu luojiji daode tuili” 專業倫理導論―概念說明,倫理與羅輯及道德推理 (Introduction to Professional Ethics. Explication of Concepts, Morality and Logic and Moral Reasoning), in: Zhuanye lunli jiaoxue shouce. Zhuanye lunli lilun pian 專業倫理教學手冊―專業倫理理論篇 (Handout for Professional Ethics. On Theoretical Dimension of Professional Ethics). Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue zhuanye lunli kecheng weiyuanhui, 2012, pp. 3-20.

“Bolan Hanxue yanjiu de guoqu yu xiankuang” 波蘭漢學研究的過去與現況 (Polish Sinological Studies.The Past and Present), Hanxue yanjiu jikan 漢學研究集刊 / Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies 2011/13, pp. 53-96.

“Ouzhou Hanxue. Jingshen yichan yu weilai fazhan qushi: Chubutansuo” 歐洲漢學―精神遺產與未來發展趨勢:初步探索 (European Sinology. A Preliminary Study of Its Legacy and Future Development), Hanxue yanjiu tongxun 漢學研究通訊 / Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies no. 117 (2011), pp. 1-12.

“Religijność u podstaw tradycji chińskiej i społeczeństwa” (Religiosity as Foundation of Chinese Tradition and Society), in: Ewa Zajdler (ed.), Zrozumieć Chińczyków. Kulturowe kody społeczności chińskich (Understanding the Chinese. Cultural Codes of Chinese Society).Warszawa: Wydawnictwo Akademickie Dialog, 2011, S. 59-100.

“Konfucjańskie podstawy porządku społecznego i zjawisko ‘twarzy’” (Confucian Foundation of Social Order and the Phenomenon of “Face”), in: Ewa Zajdler (ed.), Zrozumieć Chińczyków. Kulturowe kody społeczności chińskich, pp. 175-204.

“Xifang yu Zhongguo xiangyu shi. Yi wei Jidujiao xuezhe de ruogan huigu yu sikao” 西方與中國相遇史―一位基督教學者的若干回顧與思考 (The Encounter between the West and China. Some Reminiscences and Remarks of a Christian Scholar), in: Li Xuetao 李雪濤, Liu Ruomei 劉若梅, and Gu Jun 顧鈞 (eds.), Kuayue Dong–Xifang de sixiang. Shijie yujing xia de Zhongguo wenhua yanjiu 跨越東西方的思想:世界語境下的中國文化研究. Beijing: Waiyu jiaoxue yu yanjiu chubanshe, 2010, pp. 248-276.

“The European Search for a Universal Language and German Search for Clavis Sinica. The Role of Chinese Characters in Leibniz’s Theory of Signs,” in: Light a Candle. Encounters and Friendship with China. Festschrift in Honour of Angelo S. Lazzarotto P.I.M.E. Ed. Roman Malek S.V.D. – Gianni Criveller P.I.M.E. Collectanea Serica. Sankt Augustin – Nettetal: Steyler Verlag, 2010, pp. 199-222.

”Święta Wielkanocne na Katolickim Uniwersytecie Fu Jen” (Easter Celebrations at Fu Jen Catholic University) Misjonarz 2010/4, pp. 3-5.

“Huigu Fuda Ouzhou canfangtuan fengying de xueshu jiaoliu zhi lü” 回顧輔大歐洲參訪團豐盈的學術交流之旅 (Reminiscences of the Academic Delegation of Fu Jen Catholic University in Europe), Fuda jishibao 輔大紀事報 no. 33 (2010), p. 7.

“Zhong–Xi lunli sixiang (danyuanwu)” 中西倫理思想 (單元五), in: Wei Siqi 魏思齊, Lai Jianjun 賴建均, and Zeng Xiangzhong 曾詳忠 (eds.), Zhuanye lunli jiaoxue shouce 專業倫理教學手冊. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue zhuanye lunli kecheng weiyuanhui, 2010, pp. 83-99.

“Xifang zaoqi (1552–1814 nianjian) Hanyu xuexi he yanjiu. Ruogan sikao” 西方早期(1552–1814年間)漢語學習和研究―若干思考 (Some Remarks on Early Western [1552–1814] Acquisition and Study of Chinese), Hanxue yanjiu jikan 漢學研究集刊 / Yuntech Journal of Chinese Studies no. 8 (2009), pp. 89-121。

“Taiwan jiaoyujie xiwang xuesheng chengwei zenyang de yi ge ren? Ni wo zuowei jidutu laoshi, xiwang xuesheng chengwei zenyang de yi ge ren?” 台灣教育界希望學生成為怎樣的一個人?你我作為基督徒老師,希望學生成為怎樣的一個人? (What Kind of a Person Would the Educational Milieu in Taiwan like to See in Students? And What Kind of a Person Would We as Christian Teachers like to See in Students), Fuda jishibao 輔大紀事報 no. 28 (2009), p. 6.

“Słowo Boże na Formozie (1954–2009). Zarys dziejów werbistów na Tajwanie” (Divine Word at Formosa (1954–2009): Historical Sketch of Divine Word Misisonaries in Taiwan), Chiny dzisiaj 4 (2009) 4, pp. 40-43.

“Buliedian (Yingguo) Hanxue yanjiu de gaikuang” 不列顛(英國)漢學研究的概況 (An Overview of Chinese Studies in the UK), Hanxue yanjiu tongxun 漢學研究通訊 / Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies no. 106 (2008), pp. 45-52.

“Meiguo Hanxue yanjiu de gaikuang” 美國漢學研究的概況 (An Overview of Chinese Studies in the United States of America), Hanxue yanjiu tongxun 漢學研究通訊 / Newsletter for Research in Chinese Studies no. 102 (2007), pp. 30-40.

“Deguo Hanxue yanjiu de lishi yu xiankuang” 德國漢學研究的歷史與現況 (The History and the Present Situation of Sinology in Germany), Shijie Hanxue 世界漢學 / World Sinology no. 4 (2006), pp. 37-66.

“Deguo Hanxue yanjiu de xiankuang” 德國漢學研究的現況 (The Present Situation of Sinology in Germany), in: Zbigniew Wesołowski (ed.), Furen daxue di san jie Hanxue guoji yantaohui. Weige he geren gainian zai Zhongguo yu Xifang. Rolf Trauzettel jiaoshou zhouwei de Boen Hanxue xuepai 輔仁大學第三屆漢學國際研討會「位格和個人概念在中國與西方:Rolf Trauzettel 教授周圍的波恩漢學學派」 / Drittes Internationales Sinologisches Symposium der Katholischen Fu Jen Universität. Personen- und Individuumsbegriff in China und im Westen: Der Beitrag der Bonner Sinologischen Schule um Professor Rolf Trauzettel. (The Third Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium. The Concept of Person and Individual in China and the West: On the Contribution of Rolf Trauzettel’s Bonner School of Sinology). Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe, 2006, pp. 260-340 (Chinese), pp. 346-386 (German).

“Lun Zhongguo yu renlei wenhua de sixiangjia Liang Shuming de wenhua guan (jieyi). Yi Dong–Xi wenhua jiqi zhexue yu Zhongguo wenhua yaoyi weizhongxin” 论中国与人类文化的思想家梁漱溟的文化观(节译)―以《东西文化及其哲学》与《中国文化要义》为中心 (The Concept of Culture of Liang Shuming as a Thinker of Chinese and Human Culture with the Help of Dong–Xi wenhua jiqi zhexue and Zhongguo wenhua) , Hanxue yanjiu 汉学研究 (Chinese Studies [Mainland China]) 9 (2006), pp. 112-130. 

“Deguo Hanxue yanjiu de lishi yu xiankuang” 德國漢學研究的歷史與現況 (The History and the Present Situation of Sinology in Germany), Shijie Hanxue 世界漢學 / World Sinology no. 4 (2006), pp. 37-66.

“Jiaodui Ertong yuyan, shiyuzheng yu yuyan tongze chugao yi zhi xinde” 校對《兒童語言、失語症與語言通則》初稿譯之心得 (Remarks and Impressions after the Proof-Reading of the Preliminary Translation of Child Language, Aphasia and Phono-logical Universals), Furen waiyu xuebao. Yuyanxue, wenxue, wenhua 輔仁外語學報―語言學、文學、文化 no. 3 (2006), pp. 53-62.

“Understanding the Foreign (the West) as a Remedy for Regaining One’s Own Cultural Identity (China). Liang Shuming’s (1893–1988) Cultural Thought,” Monumenta Serica 53 (2005), pp. 361-399.

“Shengyanhui jiqi daxue shiye. Wei luoshi jiaohui de fuchuan shiming erzuo” 聖言會及其大學事業-為落實教會的福傳使命而作 (The Society of the Divine Word and Its Engagement in University Work – For Fulfilling Its Mission to Preach the Gospel), in: Xiao Guangzhi 蕭光志 et al., Xunmei zhi lü. Meigan jingyan, yishu yu shenmei 尋美之旅-美感經驗、藝術與審美 (). Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe, 2004, pp. 521-552.

Shengyan zhi ai zai Taiwan. Dui Shengyanhui zai Tai chuanjiao wushi zhounian zhi huigu 聖言之愛在台灣-對聖言會在台傳教五十週年之回顧 (The Love of the Divine Word in Taiwan. A Retrospective Account on the 50 Years of the Society of the Divine Word in Taiwan), in: Xiao Guangzhi 蕭光志 et al., Xunmei zhi lü. Meigan jingyan, yishu yu shenmei 尋美之旅-美感經驗、藝術與審美 (In Search for Beauty: Aesthetic Experience, Arts, and Aesthetic Judgment). Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe, 2004, pp. 553-569.

“Zai Tai fuxiao zhi Tianzhujiao Furen daxue. Shengyanhui yu Furen daxue lishi yuanyuan zhi er” 在台復校之天主教輔仁大學-聖言會與輔仁大學歷史淵源之二 (Re-founding Fu Jen Catholic University in Tawan: The Second Contribution on the Historical Relationship between the Society of the Divine Word and the Fu Jen University), in: Zhou Shanxing 周善行 et al., Zhi shan da ren. Shan sheng ji shen, mingda daode yu keji 致善達仁―-善省己身、明答道德與科技 (The Highest Good Reaches Humaneness. Goodness Brings to Self-Examining: Insightful Answers within Morality and Science). Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe, 2003, pp. 108-129.

“Gibt es eine Globalisierung des Menschenbildes jenseits von Ost und West? Eine Einleitung in die Problematik mit Hilfe des Vergleiches zwischen China und dem Westen im Spannungsfeld der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart” (Is There a Globalization of the Concept of Man beyond East and West? Being an Introduction to the Problematic Based on the Comparison between China and the West in the Tension of Past and Present), in: Globalisierung und Identität. Viertes Internationales Germanistik-Symposium in Taiwan, Fu Jen Universität, Abteilung für Deutsch, 5. und 6. Mai, 2001. Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe, 2002, pp. 267-291.

“Shengyanhui yu Beijing Furen daxue. Shengyanhui yu Furen daxue lishi yuanyuan zhi yi” 聖言會與北京輔仁大學―聖言會與輔仁大學歷史淵源之一 (The Society of the Divine Word and the Fu Jen University in Peking. The First Contribution on the Historical Relationship between the Society of the Divine Word and the Fu Jen University), in: Ye Naishi 葉乃實 et al., Qiu zhen zhi dao. Chewu shengming, dongxi wanxiang yu zhishi 求真之道-徹悟生命、洞悉萬象與知識 (A Way to Search for the Truth: A Thorough Awakening to the Meaning of Life, an Understanding of Phenomena of the World, and Knowledge). Taipei xian Xinzhuang shi: Furen daxue chubanshe, 2002, pp. 81-104.

“Konfucjanizm,” in: Religie w świecie współczesnym. Zarys problematyki religiologicznej (Religions in Present-day World: A Sketch on Religious Sciences), ed. Henryk Zimon SVD. Lublin: KUL, 2000, pp. 233-254.

“Die chinesische Einstellung gegenüber dem Religiösen” (Chinese Attitude towards Religious Matters). Verbum SVD 40 (1999) 2, pp. 169-186.

“Liang Shumings (1893–1988) Religionsbegriff” (Liang Shuming’s [1893–1988] Concept of Religion), in: Roman Malek (ed.), “Fallbeispiel” China. Ökumenische Beiträge zu Religion, Theologie und Kirche im chinesischen Kontext (China – Model Case. Ecumenical Contributions on Religion, Theology, and Church within the Chinese Context). Sankt Augustin – Nettetal: Steyler Verlag, 1996, pp. 241-267.

“Zur aktuellen Lage der Philosophie in China und zu ihrem Auftrag” (On the Current Situation of Philosophy in China and Its Purpose), China heute 15 (1996) 6, pp. 183-185.

“Kultur in China – immer noch ein heikles Problemwort” (Culture in China. Still a Sensitive and Problematic Word), China heute 14 (1995) 6, pp. 171-172.

“Entwicklungen in der chinesischen Philosophie auf Taiwan seit 1949” (Trends in Chinese Philosophy in Taiwan since 1949), China heute 13 (1994) 5, pp. 136-141.

“Philosophisches Panorama in China” (The Spectrum of Philosophy in China), China heute 12 (1993) 2, pp. 54-56.

“Entwicklungen in der chinesischen Philosophie” (Trends in Chinese Philosophy) China heute 12 (1993) 6, pp. 189-187.

“Reinkarnation im Buddhismus,” in: Hermann Kochanek (ed.), Reinkarnation oder Auferstehung. Konsequenzen für das Leben (Reincarnation or Resurrection. Consequences for Living). Freiburg: Herder, 1992, pp. 33-45.

Conference Reports

“Key Elements of Zhang Chunyi’s 張純一 (1871-1955) Comparison between Mohism and Christianity in His Work – Moxue yu Jingjiao 墨學與景教 (1923),” in Conference Proceedings, pp. 11-42 (Conference: “Paradigm Shift of Mohism and Its Encounter with Christianity,” May 2, 2019 at Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan).

“Family in Chinese Culture: Weak and Strong Points of Confucian Familism” (21 May 2019; pp. 19), presented at the International Interdisciplinary Scientific Conference: „Marriage and Family in Different Cultures and Religions” (20-21 May 2019, Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule SVD Sankt Augustin, Germany).

“A Courtyard House – siheyuan 四合院 as the Dwelling Place of Traditional Chinese Family” (in absentia; 28 May 2019; pp. 13), presented at the 3rd International Familiology Symposium: “‘Ecology and Family’ in the Context of the Integration of Humanities and Empirical Research” (27-28 May 2019, Olsztyn / Poland).

“Hermeneutics of Understanding the Confucian Idea of Truth: Junzi 君子 as a Truth-bearer according to Lunyu 論語“ (4 July 2019; 35 pp.), presented at International Conference “Homo Translator: Traditions in Translation” (as 4th Stage of a Research Project on Promoting Internationalization at Nanzan University, Nagoya [Japan]; Organizers of Conference: Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture; 4–5 July 2019).

„Entstehung der christlich-chinesischen Terminologie und die Rolle der Übersetzungen der Bibel in China in diesem Entwicklungsprozess“ (Emergence of Christian-Chinese Terminology and the Role of Translations of the Bible in China in this Development Process; 15 October 2019, 26 pp.), presented at the Studientage (“Study Days” of the Philosophisch-Theologische Hochschule SVD, Sankt Augustin): “Missionarslingustik – Missionaraische Lingusitik: Sich im Glauben verständlich machen / Missionary Linguistics: To Make Oneself Understandable in the Faith”).

With Mei Ting Huang, “The Seventh Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium. The Contribution of Russian Sinology to the Knowledge of China. November 23–24, 2012 Fu Jen Catholic University, Xinzhuang District, New Taipei City, Taiwan,” Lumen. A Journal of Catholic Studies 1 (2013), pp. 184-185.

”Sechstes internationales sinologisches Symposium an der Furen-Universität zur früheuropäischen Erlernung und Erforschung chinesischer Sprachen” (The Sixth Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium on Early European Acquisition and Research on Chinese Languages), China heute 26 (2010) 4, pp. 219-222.

“Yidali yu Zhongguo xiangyu. Yidali Hanxue de gongxian – di wu jie Hanxue guoji yantaohui zongshu” 意大利与中国相遇―意大利汉学的贡献─第五届汉学国际研讨会宗述 (The Encounter between Italy and China. The Contributions of Italian Sinology – The Fifth International Sinological Symposium.), Hanxue yanjiu 漢學研究 [Mainland China] (Zhonghua shuju) 11 (2008), pp. 105-111.

“Abschlusserklärung des internationalen Forums zum Daodejing” (Translation of Final Statement on the International Forum on Daodejing), China heute 26 (2007) 3, p. 79.

“Fünftes internationales sinologisches Symposium an der Furen-Universität zum Beitrag der italienischen Sinologie” (The Fifth Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium on the Contributions of Italian Sinology), China heute 26 (2007) 6, pp. 208-211.

“Viertes internationales sinologisches Symposium an der Furen-Universität” (On the Fourth Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium [Research on Religions in China. Status quo and Perspectives]), China heute, 25 (2006) 6, pp. 201-202.

“‘Umweg und Zugang.’ Sinologie als eine neue Hermeneutik für den Westen – der französische Beitrag: Bericht über das zweite internationale sinologische Symposium der Furen-Universität” (“Detour and Access.” Sinology as a New Hermeneutics for the West – The French Contribution: A Report on the Second Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium), China heute 23 (2004) 6, pp. 211-213.

Book Reviews

Harro von Senger, Moulüe – Supraplanung: Unerkannte Denkhorizonte aus dem Reich der Mitte (2., überarbeitete Auflage. München: Carl Hanser Verlag, 2018. 440 S. Anhang, Bibliografie), Monumenta Serica 68 (2020) 1, S. 282-285.

Ambrose Mong, Sino-Vatican Relations from Denunciation to Dialogue (Cambridge: James Clarke 2019, xxii + 169 S.) Verbum SVD 61 (2020) 4, S. 496-500.

Song Gang (ed.), Reshaping the Boundaries. The Christian Intersection of China and the West in the Modern Era (Hong Kong 2016), Monumenta Serica 66 (2018) 1, pp. 236-239.

Carsun Chang, Geschichte der neukonfuzianischen Philosophie vom 10. Jahrhundert bis zur Mitte des 19. Jahrhunderts (Frankfurt a.M. 2016), Monumenta Serica 65 (2017) 1, pp. 252-253.

Yang Huilin, China, Christianity, and the Question of Culture, ed. Zhang Jing (Waco 2014), Monumenta Serica 63 (2015) 2, pp. 466-468.

Robert Cummings Neville, Ritual and Deference. Extending Chinese Philosophy in a Comparative Context (New York 2008), Monumenta Serica 62 (2014), pp. 352-353.

Yong Chen, Confucianism as Religion. Controversies and Consequences (Leiden – Boston 2013), Monumenta Serica 62 (2014), pp. 388-389.

Florence С. Hsia, Sojourners in a Strange Land. Jesuits and Their Scientific Missions in Late Imperial China (Chicago – London 2009), East Asian Science, Technology, and Medicine (EASTM) 37 (2013) [published 2014], pp. 104-106.

Joachim Kurtz, The Discovery of Chinese Logic (Leiden – Boston 2011), Monumenta Serica 60 (2012), pp. 548-550.

Yvonne Schulz Zinda, Jin Yuelin’s Ontology. Perspectives on the Problem of Induction (Leiden – Boston 2012), Monumenta Serica 60 (2012), pp. 554-556.

Daniel H. Bays, A New History of Christianity in China (Malden 2012), Monumenta Serica 60 (2012), pp. 561-562.

Janusz Chmielewski (ed. Marek Mejor), Language and Logic in Ancient China. Collected Papers on the Chinese Language and Logic, Monumenta Serica 59 (2011), pp. 544-546.

Thierry Meynard, The Religious Philosophy of Liang Shuming. The Hidden Buddhist, Monumenta Serica 59 (2011), pp. 575-577.

Gotelind Müller, China, Kropotkin und der Anarchismus (Wiesbaden 2001), Monumenta Serica 53 (2005), pp. 518-520.

“Wu Leichuan lun Zhongguo yu Jidujiao xiangyu. Ping Ma Leikai de Shiye ronghe. Mozi yu Yesu” 吳雷川論中國與基督教相遇:評馬雷凱的《視野融合―墨子與耶穌》 (Wu Leichuan on the Encounter between China and Christianity. A Review of Roman Malek’s Verschmelzung der Horizonte. Mozi und Jesus. [Zur Hermeneutik der Chinesisch-Christlichen Begegnung nach Wu Leichuan (1869–1944)]), Shenxue lunji 神學論集 no. 144 (2005), pp. 310-317.


„John C.H. Wu (1899–1986) and His Translations of Daodejing: Some Spiritual Dimen-sions“ (Online-Vortrag), 23. Sept. 2020 (International Monumenta Serica Symposium: Encounter between Christianity and Daoism: Classics, Interpretation and Dialogues (2020 年華裔學志國際會議——基督宗教與道家/道教的會遇:經典、詮釋與對話), Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan), 23.–24. Sept. 2020; Konferenzband, S. 107-146)

„Rodzina w tradycyjnej kulturze chińskiej i jej możliwy przyczynek do ratowanie tradycyjnej rodziny w przyszłej kulturze ludzkości“ (The Family in Traditional Chinese Culture and Its Possible Contribution to Saving the Traditional Family in the Future Culture of Hu-manity; Online Lecture Presented at the 4th International Familiology Symposium „Phi-losophy and Theology of the Family in the Context of Human Needs in the Culture and Civilization of Contemporary Europe and the World“, University of Warmia and Mazury (UWM), Olsztyn (Polen), 25.–26. Mai 2020.

„Characteristics of Chinese Religiosity in History and the Present Time“ (Vortrag vor Semi-naristen des Römisch-Katholischen Rolduc Seminars [Niederlande], während ihres Besuchs im China-Zentrum, Sankt Augustin, 6. Februar 2020).

“Ulrich Beck’s The Metamorphosis of the World and China’s Place and Role on Our Present-day Globe,” conference “Between Knowledge and Evangelization. Symposium on Publishing Mission of Sinological Institutes and Publishing Institutions Sponsored by Catholic Church,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2 May 2018.

“A Catholic University between Ideal and Reality. Enriched with My Experiences at Fu Jen Catholic University (1999-2012), Taiwan,” conference “Catholic Universities. Spirit, Ideals, History, and Current Situation,” Academia Catholica, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 4–5 May 2018.

“In Search of Universal Traits of Traditional Chinese Culture. Chinese Familism as a Most Possible Support for a Future Culture of Humanity?,” 10th International Symposium of “21st Century World Forum on Chinese Culture,” Zhengzhou University, Zhengzhou, PR China, 7–10 December 2018.

“Die chinesischen Gesichter Jesus. Christen im ‘Reich der Mitte’” (The Chinese Faces of Jesus. Christians in the Middle Kingdom), Spring Academy, Philosophical Theological Faculty S.V.D. in Sankt Augustin, Germany, 31 March 2017.

“Wywiad na temat Kościoła w China” (Interview on the Situation of the Catholic Church in China), Sinicum, Warszawa, Poland, 22 July 2017 (video:; text: LINK)

“Życie Kardynała Tomasza Tian Gengxin (1890–1967) na tle burzliwego okresu w historii Chin – z okazji jego 50. rocznicy śmierci (24 VII 1967)” (Thomas Tian Gengxin [1890–1967] against the Turbulent Period in the History of China. On the Occasion of the 50th Anniversary of His Death [24 July 1967]), S.V.D. Mission Seminary, Pieniężno, Poland, 7 October 2017.

“Interreligious Dialogue of Christianity with Buddhism in China and Taiwan. On the Way towards Mutual Appreciation – A Christian Perspective,” conference series on interreligious dialogue 2017: “Buddhists and Christians in Dialogue. From Missionaries’ Writings to the Present,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 24 April 2017.

“Missionary and Evangelical Service of the Church in the Far East – China (from the 19th to the Present),” conference “Misijsko i Evagelizacijsko Poslanie Crkve. U suvremeom multikulturalnom i multikonfesionalnym Drustvu. Prigoedom 25. Oblejetnice teolosko-katehetskog studia u Zadaru” (Mission and Evangelization of the Church and Its Modern Service in Multicultural and Multiconfessional Context. Symposium Commemorating the 25 Anniversary of the Establishment of Theological-Catechetical Faculty at the Zadar University), Zadar University, Zadar, Croatia, 26 May 2017.

“Sinological Studies in Central Europe. The Contribution of Missionaries,” conference “Sinological Studies in Central Europe. The Contribution of Missionaries and Sinologists,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 28 April 2016.

Huayi xuezhi jiqi zhubian yu bianji gongzuo. Chuangkan 80 zhounian jinian” 《华裔学志》及其主编与编辑工作―创刊80周年纪念 (On the Occasion of 80th Anniversary of Monumenta Serica. Its Editors and Editorial Work), “International Symposium on the Future Development of Chinese Social Sciences Academic Journals,” Macao Polytechnic Institute, Macao, PR China, 20–24 April 2015.

Huayi xuezhi he Huayi xuezhi yanjiusuo chuangshi 80 zhounian jinian. Guoqu yu jianglai” 《華裔學志》和華裔學志研究所創始80週年紀念―過去與將來(The Eightieth Anniversary of Monumenta Serica and Monumenta Serica Institute. The Past and the Future), conference “Huayi xuezhi zouguo bashi, yingxiangweilai” 華裔學志走過八十、迎向未來 (Monumenta Serica. Embracing the Future at the Eightieth Anniversary), Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 30 April 2015.

Huayi xuezhi he Huayi xuezhi yanjiusuo chuangshi 80 zhounian jinian. Guoqu yu jianglai” 《华裔学志》和华裔学志研究所创始80周年纪念―过去与将来 (The Eightieth Anniversary of Monumenta Serica and Monumenta Serica Institute. The Past and the Future), conference “Monumenta Serica and Western Sinology,” Center of Overseas Sinology, Beijing Foreign Studies University, Beijing, PR China, 6 May 2015.

“Chiński konwertyta John Wu (Wu Jingxiong 吳經熊, 1899-1986) i jego duchowy dialog z religiami Chin” (The Chinese Convert John Wu and His Spiritual Dialogue with China’s Religions), “Sympozjum Misjologiczne Ad Gentes, Evangelii Nuntiandi, Redemportis Missio – Jubilesz Nowego Paradygmatu” (Missiological Symposium on Ad Gentes, Evangelii Nuntiandi, and Redemptoris Missio. The Jubilee of a New Paradigm), S.V.D. Mission Seminary, Pieniężno, Poland, 23–25 October 2015.

“Dongnanya de Hanxue yanjiu. Zi Zhongguo zhongxinzhuyi zhiyu Zhongguo wenhua de xueshu duihua” 東南亞的漢學研究―自中國中心主義至與中國文化的學術對話 (Southeastern Asian Sinological Studies. From Sinocentrism to Academic Dialogue with China), “Symposium of Southeast Asian Sinology. The Past and Present,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 25–26 April 2014.

“Quest for Truth in Classical China. Preliminary and Methodological Considerations,” 8th International Symposium of “21st Century World Forum on Chinese Culture. The Past and Future of Chinese and European Cultural Exchange,” University of Vienna, Austria, 4–5 November 2014.

“‘Beyond East and West.’ What „Ladder” Did John Wu Use Towards this Goal?,” “International Conference on Wu Ching-hsiung,” Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 12–13 April 2013.

“Trudna sytuacja Kościoła w Chinach” ([Interview] The Difficult Situation of the Church in China), Polonia Christiana (online journal: LINK [published 19 August 2013]).

“Ouzhou Hanxue. Jingshen yichan yu weilai fazhan qushi: Chubu tansuo” 歐洲漢學―精神遺產與未來發展趨勢:初步探索 (European Sinology. A Preliminary Study of Its Legacy and Future Development), conference “International Sinology and East Asian Culture 2010,” National Central Library, Taipei, Taiwan, 24 June 2010.

“Bolan Hanxue yanjiu de guoqu yu xiankuang” 波蘭漢學研究的過去與現況 (Polish Sinological Studies.The Past and Present), “2010 International Conference on Chinese Studies,” National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Douliu, Taiwan, 29–30 October 2010.

“Dui Sun Zhiwen jiaoshou zhuzuo jingxuan ji ganen zhuanji yi shu de jihua jianjie” 〈對「孫志文教授著作精選暨感恩專集」一書的計畫簡介〉 (A Short Introduction to the Conception of the Book Selected Writings of Professor Arnold Heinrich Sprenger [S.V.D. (1929–2015)] and a Testimony of Grace), “Furen daxue waiyu xueyuan chuangyuan yuanzhang Sun Zhiwen jiaoshou waiyu jiaoyu linian fabiao hui ji jinduo wushi zhounian ganen qingzhu hui. Ganen yu chuancheng – chuangxin yu qianzhan zhi yuan” 輔仁大學外語學院創院院長孫志文教授外語教育理念發表會暨晉鐸五十週年感恩慶祝會. 感恩與傳承―創新與前瞻之源 (A Colloquim on the Founding Dean of the College of Foreign Literatures and Languages at Fu Jen Catholic University – Professor Arnold Sprenger’s Ideal of Education and the Celebration of the Golden Anniversary of His Priesthood: Thankfulness and Transmission as a Source of Innovation and Vision), Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 19 December 2009.

“Xifang zaoqi (1552–1814 nianjian) Hanyu xuexi he yanjiu. Ruogan sikao” 西方早期(1552–1814年間)漢語學習和研究―若干思考 (Some Remarks on Early Western [1552–1814] Acquisition and Study of Chinese), “2008 International Conference on Chinese Studies,” National Yunlin University of Science and Technology, Douliu, Taiwan, 24–25 October 2008.

“Der Beitrag der sog. ‘Bonner Schule’ zur Erforschung der chinesischen Philosophie am Beispiel von Professor Rolf Trauzettel,” conference “Transkulturelle Dynamik. Zum Verhältnis deutsch- und chinesischsprachiger Philosophie” (Cross-Cultural Dynamics. At the Crossroad of Chinese and German Philosophies), Academia Sinica, Institute of Chinese Literature and Philosophy, Taipei, Taiwan, 14–16 September 2007.

“Dangdai Bolan xiankuang zuotan. ‘Bolan yuwenxue de keneng gongxian’” 《當代波蘭現況座談》「波蘭語文學的可能貢獻」 (Lectures on the Present Situation of Poland. “Probable Contributions of Polish Linguistics”), conference on the occasion of the establishment of the Slavic Languages and Literature department, National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan, 12 October 2007.

“Luoman Yakebusen Ertong yuyan, shiyu zhengji yuyin tongze de chu Zhong yi gao jiaodui hou suohuode zhi xinde yu ganxiang” 〈羅曼雅可布森《兒童語言、失語症及語音通則》的初中譯稿校對後所獲得之心得與感想〉 (Remarks and Impressions after Proof-Reading the Draft of the First Chinese Translation of Roman Jakobson’s Child Language, Aphasia and Phonological Universals), conference “Luoman Yakebusen 110 zhounian jinian yanxihui” 羅曼雅可布森110週年紀念研習會 (Conference in Commemoration of the 110 Anniversary of Roman Jakobson), Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 20 May 2006.

“Zhongguo zhexue de zhong, waiwen ziliao yu qita Hanxue ziliao de souji ji xiangguan yiti. Yi Huayi xuezhi yanjiuyuan de tushuguan weili” 中國哲學的中、外文資料與其他漢學資料的蒐集及相關議題:以華裔學志研究院的圖書館為例 (Searching for and Collecting Materials in Chinese and Foreign Languages on Chinese Philosophy and other Sinological Materials. The Monumenta Serica Institute’s Library as an Example), Conference on Materials in Chinese and Foreign Languages on Chinese Philosophy, Center for Foreign Language Materials on Chinese Philosophy, Soochow University, Taipei, Taiwan, 6 July 2006.

“Deguo Hanxue yanjiu de xiankuang” 德國漢學研究的現況 (The Present Situation of Sinology in Germany), “Drittes Internationales Sinologisches Symposium der Katholischen Fu Jen Universität. Personen- und Individuumsbegriff in China und im Westen: Der Beitrag der Bonner Sinologischen Schule um Professor Rolf Trauzettel,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 25–26 November 2005.

“Understanding the Foreign (the West) as a Remedy for Regaining One’s Own Cultural Identity (China). Liang Shuming’s (1893–1988) Cultural Thought,” international conference “Fascination and Understanding. The Spirit of the Occident and the Spirit of China in Reciprocity,” Smolenice Castle, Slovakia, 21–25 February 2003.

“Individuum und Gesellschaft in China und im Westen im Spannungsfeld der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart – Gibt es eine Globalisierung des Menschenbildes jenseits von Ost und West?” (Individual and Society in China and the West in Tension between the Past and Present – Is There Any Globalization of Man’s Picture beyond East and West?), “4th International Conference in German and Linguistic Studies,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 5–6 May 2001.


Stanisław Cieślak, “The Boym Family in Lwów,” Monumenta Serica 59 (2011), pp. 215-227.

Carsten Krause, “Współzależność państwa i buddyzmu w Chińskiej Republice Ludowej” (Interdependenzen zwischen Staat und Buddhismus in der Volksrepublik China [Interdependencies between State and Buddhism in the People’s Republic of China]), China heute 24 (2005) 6, pp. 222–233), Chiny Dzisiaj 6 (2011) 1, pp. 35-43.

Deng Xiaomang, “Błędne interpretacjie filozofii zachodniej w Chinach (I)” (Misinterpretations of Western Philosophy in China), China heute 22 (2003) 6, pp. 218-227), Chiny dzisiaj 4 (2009) 2, pp. 30-35, (II) 4 (2009) 3, pp. 25-30.

With Katharina Wenzel-Teuber, “Putuoshan-Erklärung. Erstes Buddhistisches Weltforum” (The Putuoshan Declaration. First World Buddhist Forum), China heute 25 (2006) 3, p. 81.


“Xifang zaoqi (1552–1814 nianjian) Hanyu xuexi he yanjiu 西方早期 (1552–1814年間) 漢語學習和研究. Early European (1552–1814) Acquisition and Research on Chinese Languages,” Sixth Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 26–27 November 2010.

“Yidali yu Zhongguo xiang yu. Yidali Han xue yan jiu de gong xian 輔仁大學第五屆漢學國際硏討會「義大利與中國相遇―義大利漢學研究的貢獻. L’incontro fra l’Italia e la Cina. Il contributo italiano alla sinologia,” Fifth Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 23–24 November 2007.

“Zhongguo zongjiao yanjiu. Xiankuang yu zhanwang 中國宗教研究―現況與展望. Research on Religions in China. Status quo and Perspectives,” Fourth Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 24–25 November 2006.

“Weige he geren gainian zai Zhongguo yu Xifang. Rolf Trauzettel jiaoshou zhouwei de Boen Hanxue xuepai 位格和個人概念在中國與西方―Rolf Trauzettel 教授周圍的波恩漢學學派. Personen- und Individuumsbegriff in China und im Westen. Der Beitrag der Bonner Sinologischen Schule um Professor Rolf Trauzettel,” Third Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 25–26 November 2005.

“Qi yan qu er zhong. Hanxue zuowei dui xifang de xin quanshi – Faguo de gongxian” 其言曲而中―漢學作為對西方的新詮釋:法國貢獻 “Le détour et l’accès. la sinologie en tant que nouvelle herméneutique pour l’Occident: La contribution française,” Second Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 5–6 November 2004

“You guan Zhongguo xueshuxing de duihua: yi Huayi xuezhi wei li 有關中國學術性的對話―以《華裔學志》為例. Scholarly Dialogue on China – Monumenta Serica as an Example,” First Fu Jen University International Sinological Symposium, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 26–27 September 2003.