“The Bible and Hermeneutics: Missionaries, Lay People and Translation” 《聖經》與詮釋學:傳教士、平信徒與《聖經》的譯介

The 2022 International Monumenta Serica Symposium (in presence and online)

During this one-and-a-half-day symposium, ten contributors (among them three younger scholars, see the last three names below) offered their presentations on the topic of the Bible and Hermeneutics, mostly in the context of Chinese culture. This symposium was also a welcome venue to present Zbigniew Wesołowski SVD with a Festschrift on the occasion of his 65th birthday. Besides, a formal act of founding a Taiwan branch of the circle of friends and supporters of Monumenta Serica took place.

  • 1. Zbigniew Wesołowski (Wei Siqi 魏思齊): “A Chinese Tunic for Christ”: John Wu’s Translation of the New Testament

  • 2. Pan Feng-Chuan 潘鳳娟: 中國禮儀的辯護者衛方濟的《禮記》譯介 (The Apologist of the Chinese Rites François Noël and His Historica notitia rituum et ceremonium sinicarum and Philosophia sinica: Tribus tractatibus)

  • 3. Ching Rhy-hisn 江日新: 老子「道」字的翻譯及其理解─ 初始的啟動:以聶若望、雷慕沙、儒蓮及𤔣鐵為核心 (The Translation and Interpretation of Laozi’s Word Dao with a Special Attention to the Examples from Translations of François-Jean Noëlas, Jean Pierre Abel Rémusat, Stanislas Aignan Julien and Guillaume Pauthier)

  • 4. Wojciech Rybka (Lü Bokan 呂博侃): Cultural Differences and Translation Difficulties: A Case Study of Chinese Renditions of Luke 1:34

  • 5. Huang Mei Tin 黃渼婷: 早期來華傳教士聖經編譯:以女性讀者為導向 (Early Translations and Editions of the Parts of the Bible with Orientation for Female Readers)

  • 6. Piotr Adamek (Gu Xiaoyong 顧孝永): Comparing Orthodox Bible Translations into Chinese: From Gurij Karpov to Bishop Innokentij

  • 7. Reimund Bieringer and Liu Li 劉麗: A New Proposal of the Chinese Translation of μή μου ἅπτου [“Do not touch me”] in John 20:17

  • 8. Liu Yue 劉悅: 初探《聖經》蒙古族語言譯介之發展 (Initial Exploration of the Development of the Mongolian Language Translation of the Bible)

  • 9. Bibiana Huang Yiying 黃懿縈: 早夭的福音:從「紅皮聖經」探析當代臺灣合一運動與政教關係 (The Good New that Died Early: Challenges of the Christian Ecumenical Movement and State–Church Relations in Contemporary Taiwan Refracted from the Story of the “Red-Cover Bible”)

  • 10. Ouwakpare Victorin Oussoi: Methods of Seeking Divine Will in Christianity and Popular Religion: A Comparative Analysis