The Monumenta Serica Institute invites you to consider our peer-reviewed publications as a suitable forum for presenting your research to a wider academic audience.
Our biannual periodical Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies and our two book series, Monumenta Serica Monograph Series and Collectanea Serica, cover a broad range of topics and treat various aspects of Chinese culture – archaeology, art, history, philosophy, religion, language and literature and Sino–Western cultural relations, in particular the history of Christianity in China.
Contributions on these topics which discuss China in perspective with her neighbouring countries in East and Central Asia are also very welcome. Our focus is on Early and Imperial China, but we also consider contributions dealing with topics up to the Republican era (until 1949) if they fit well into the profile of our publications.
We welcome submissions of book and article manuscripts and strongly encourage you to send these via email to the editorial office.
In preparing your manuscript, you are also welcome to use the article style sheet file provided here.
For further information on our editorial guidelines kindly refer to our style sheets for Monumenta Serica: Journal of Oriental Studies and Monumenta Serica Monograph Series and Collectanea Serica.
Unsolicited book reviews for our journal Monumenta Serica are unlikely to be considered.
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