Dr. Dirk Kuhlmann 顧迪康

KuhlmannDirk Kuhlmann received an M.A. in Contemporary Sinology, History and Classical Chinese Philology (2005) and a Ph.D. in Contemporary Sinology (2011), both at the University of Trier. In January 2006, he joined the editorial office of the Monumenta Serica Institute. In addition to editorial work, he has participated in the organization of conferences, exhibitions, and other events of the Institute. Academic activities: During his studies he spent 10 months in the PR China for Advanced Chinese Language courses at Wuhan University (September 1995 – June 1996) and worked as a student research assistant in the Department of Sinology at the Uni¬versity of Trier (April 1999 – June 2002), responsible for the editorial work on the department’s publications: Karl-Heinz Pohl (ed.), Chinese Thought in a Global Context (1999), Karl-Heinz Pohl – Anselm Müller (eds.), Chinese Ethics in a Global Context (2002), and Karl-Heinz Pohl – Dorothea Wippermann (eds.), Brücke zwischen Kulturen. Festschrift für Chiao Wei zum 75. Geburtstag (2003). In October 2009 – February 2010 and October 2010 – February 2011, he was a Lecturer at the University of Trier offering an Introductory cultural studies course. From July 2017 – January 2018 he was on a sabbatical in Taiwan exploring a new field of research, i.e., the function of myths and legends as in modern literary works written by indigenous authors in Taiwan. Research interests: Discourses on Identity/Alterity, imagology, narrative theory, discourse theory, mythology and literature, Taiwanese indigenous literature, Chinese historiography, late Qing – early Republican history, Chinese-Western intercultural encounters, historiography and perception of Christianity in China, contextualization of Christianity in China.



“Das Fremde im eigenen Lande.” Die Wahrnehmung des Christentums in China in der chinesischen Historiographie von Liang Qichao (1873–1929) bis Zhang Kaiyuan (geb. 1926). [“Stranger in Our Midst.” On the Perception of Christianity in China by Historians from Liang Qichao to Zhang Kaiyuan]. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series, 65. Sankt Augustin: Institut Monumenta Serica, 2014. Ph.D. thesis, University of Trier, advisor: Prof. Dr. Karl-Heinz Pohl.
– Shortlisted for the ICAS Book Prize 2017 (German Language Edition): LINK

Co-Edited Volumes

With Liu Huiru (eds.), “... und es dennoch tut.” Studien zur Geistesgeschichte, Literatur und Kultur Chinas. Festschrift für Karl-Heinz Pohl [“… and yet attempts to do it”: Studies in the Intellectual History, Literature and Culture of China. Festschrift in Honor of Karl-Heinz Pohl]. Deutsche Ostasienstudien 28. Gossenberg: OSTASIEN Verlag.

With Barbara Hoster and Zbigniew Wesołowski (eds.), Rooted in Hope. China – Religion – Christianity. Festschrift in Honor of Roman Malek S.V.D. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday – In der Hoffnung verwurzelt. China – Religion – Christentum. Festschrift für Roman Malek S.V.D. zu seinem 65. Geburtstag. 2 vols. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series, 68. Sankt Augustin – Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2017.

Articles & Chapters in Edited Volumes

“Creating a Cross-Cultural Contact Zone. The Yinghua Shuyuan (Anglo-Chinese College) in Recent Research,” in: Proceedings of the Symposium of Southeast Asian Sinology: The Past and Present (Fu Jen Catholic University, 25–26 April 2014).

(edited and annotated) Roman Malek, “Wu Leichuan (1869–1944): Interpretation als Dialog in der chinesisch-christlichen Begegnung,” in: Petrus Bsteh and Brigitte Proksch (eds.), Wegbereiter des interreligiösen Dialogs Band IV [Pioneers of Interreligious Dialogue, Volume IV]. Münster et al.: Lit Verlag, 2022, S. 53-61.

(with Barbara Hoster), "Introduction" to SPECIAL SECTION, Part 1, Contributions to the International Workshop “Sinology – Chinese/China Studies – Guoxue: Their Interrelation, Methodologies, and Impact,” Siegburg, Germany, 21–22 October 2019, Monumenta Serica 68 (2020) 2, pp. 417-421.

“Writing in My Voice: Four Modalities of Myth-Writing in Taiwanese Indigenous Sinophone Literature,” Ex-position 42 (December 2019), pp. 29-51.LINK

“Negotiating Cultural and Religious Identities in the Encounter with the ‘Other’. Global and Local Perspectives in the Historiography of Late Qing/Early Republican Christian Missions,” in: Chinese Religions in the Age of Globalization, 1800–Present, ed. Thomas Jansen, Thoralf Klein, and Christian Meyer. Leiden et al.: Brill, 2014, pp. 343-378.

“Fremd geworden? – Fremd gemacht? Konflikte zwischen Missionaren, Konvertiten und nicht-christlicher Bevölkerung im China des 19. Jahrhunderts” [Becoming Strangers or Made Strangers? Conflicts between Missionaries, Converts and non-Christians in 19th c. China], in: Gewalt gegen Christen. Formen, Gründe, Hintergründe, ed. Georg Plasger and Heinz-Günther Stobbe. Leipzig: Evangelische Verlagsanstalt, 2014, pp. 251-264.

“Zwischen Modernisierung. Kulturaustausch und Indigenisierung. Die Historiographie der Chinamission des späten 19. Jh. und frühen 20. Jh. in der jüngeren chinesischen Geschichtswissenschaft” [Between Modernisation, Cultural Exchange, and Indigenization: Recent Mainland Chinese Historiography of the Late 19th – Early 20th c. China Mission], China heute 38 (2009) 2, pp. 118-122.

“Neuansätze zur Missionshistoriographie in der VR China – Ein akademisches Porträt des Historikers Wang Lixin” [New Angles on the Historiography of the China Mission in the PR China. A Scholarly Profile of Wang Lixin], Aktuelle China-Nachrichten 98 (2 April 2009).

“Die Wahrnehmung des Christentums in China zur Zeit von Josef Freinademetz (1852–1908)” [Christianity as Perceived in China during the Times of Josef Freinademetz], China heute 37 (2008) 3, pp. 110-111.

Conference Reports

“The Nameless Majority. Impressions from a Workshop on the Role of Women in the Chinese Churches,” translated by Piotr Adamek, Verbum SVD 55 (2014) 4, pp. 397-406, reprinted in Lumen: A Journal of Catholic Studies 3 (2015) 1, pp. 124-134.

(In German, with Barbara Hoster) “Venturing into Magnum Cathay. 17th Century Polish Jesuits in China: Michał Boym S.J. (1612–1659), Jan Mikołaj Smogulecki S.J. (1610–1656), and Andrzej Rudomina S.J. (1596–1633),” China heute 28 (2009) 4 [164], pp. 213-217.

(In English, with Barbara Hoster) “Venturing into Magnum Cathay. 17th Century Polish Jesuits in China: Michał Boym S.J. (1612–1659), Jan Mikołaj Smogulecki S.J. (1610–1656), and Andrzej Rudomina S.J. (1596–1633),” China Heritage Quarterly 20 (December 2009), LINK

Book Reviews

The Drunken Man’s Talk. Tales from Medieval China. Compiled by Luo Ye, translated by Alister D. Inglis (Seattle – London 2015), Monumenta Serica 65 (2017) 1, pp. 240-241.

Concepts of Nature. A Chinese-European Cross-Cultural Perspective, ed. Hans Ulrich Vogel and Günter Dux (Leiden – Boston 2010), Monumenta Serica 61 (2013), pp. 320-323.

Thomas D. Curran, Educational Reform in Republican China. The Failure of Educators to Create a Modern Nation (Lewiston – Queenston – Lampeter 2005). And: Jiang gen zhahao: Jidu zongjiao zai Hua jiaoyu de jiantao 將根扎好—基督宗教在華教育的檢討. Setting the Roots Right: Christian Education in China and Taiwan, ed. Peter Chen-Main Wang (Taipei 2007), Monumenta Serica 58 (2010), pp. 435-443.


“Approaching the Numinous in Literature – Religious motives in the Sinophone novels of the Taiwanese Indigenous Authors Neqou Soqluman and Badai,” “Literature, Religion and Humanities: Cross-cultural Processes in Modern China,” Sapienza – Università di Roma, 25–26 November 2022.


“Getting the gui of the Land: On the Rediscovery of Taiwan’s Supernatural World” (27 August 2021), as part of the Panel “Dancing with Ghosts and Spirits: Observations on Encounters with Supernatural Beings in Chinese Folk Religion and Literature,” organized by Dr. Anthony Hu on the online 23rd Biennial Conference of the European Association of Chinese Studies, 24–28 August 2021.  LINK

Feindbild, Vorbild, Schlüssel: Zur Wahrnehmung des Christentums und seiner Funktion in geschichts- und soziopolitischen Diskursen im heutigen China” [Bogeyman, Model, Key: On the Perception of Christianity and Its Role in Discourses on the Politics of History and Society in Modern China] (15 September 2021), “Gespräche am Tor,” FernUniversität Hagen, Campus Karlsruhe.  LINK

“Echoes from an Age of Legends: Inscribing a Pluralism of Identities by Exploring Taiwan’s Indigenous Mythscape” (24 November 2018), “Literary Fantasy and Its Discontents” Taipei Tech’s 2018 Literature Conference, 23–24 November 2018.

“Gehört es dazu? Außenperspektive auf die Geschichte des Christentums in China” [Is it One of Us? Outside Views on the History of Christianity in China] (26 March 2015), S.V.D. Mission Seminary, Sankt Augustin.

“Creating a Cross-Cultural Contact Zone – The Yinghua Shuyuan (Anglo-Chinese College) in Recent Research” (25 April 2014), “The Symposium of South¬east Asian Sinology: The Past and Present” 輔仁大學東南亞漢學會議―東南亞漢學的過去與現在, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, 25–26 April 2014.

Two lectures at the “Philosophische Sommerwoche,” Katholische Akademie der Diözese Rottenburg-Stuttgart: “Himmel, Mensch und Erde. Chinesische und westliche Weisheit im Dialog,” 5–8 August 2013, Kloster Weingarten:

1) “Mensch – Staat – Kosmos/Transzendenz. Die unbekannteren philosophischen Schulen der chinesischen Antike” [Human – State – Cosmos/Transcendence. Lesser Known Philosophical Schools of Ancient China] (accessible online: LINK)

2) “Der chinesische Himmel. Das Problem der Sprache im Dialog zwischen fernöstlicher und westlicher Tradition” [Chinese Heaven. On the Problem of Language in the –Dialogue between Far Eastern and Western Tradition] (accessible online: LINK)

“Opening a Space of Reflection through “Global Modernity”? On the Perception of Christianity in Recent PR China Historiographic Discourse” (23 September 2013), 32. Deutscher Orientalistentag (Münster, 23–27 September 2013). Abstract see: LINK

“Historiographie des Christentums in China vom Ende des Kaiserreichs bis heute” [On the Historiography of Christianity in China from the End of the Imperial Era until the Present] (26 June 2012), Department of Sinology, Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster.

Xixue dongjian. Schlaglichter auf eine Form des interkulturellen Austauschs und ihre festlandchinesische geschichtswissenschaftliche Interpretation” [Xixue dongjian. Some Views on a Certain Mode of Cultural Exchanges and Its Historiography in Mainland China] (26 November 2011), Annual meeting of the DVCS, Berlin, 25–27 November 2011.

“Chinamission im Spiegel der neueren chinesischen Geschichtsschreibung” [China Mission as Presented in Recent Chinese Historiography] (24 November 2008), Ökumenischer China-Arbeitskreis [Ecumenical China Working Group] meeting in Hamburg, 24–25 November 2008.

“Debates on National Identity and Modernization in the Context of Historical Research on late Qing/early Republican Christian Missions in 20th Century China,” “Chinese Religions and Globalisation, 1800–Present” (5 July 2008), conference at the University of Cambridge Department of East Asian Studies, 3–6 July 2008.

“Die Wahrnehmung des Christentums in China zur Zeit von Josef Freinademetz (1852–1908) ” [Christianity as Perceived in China during the Times of Josef Freinademetz] (30 May 2008), Mission Seminary, Sankt Augustin.


“Christianity as a ‘Model Religion’? Constructing Global Modernity in China, 1800 to the Present” (23 September 2013), panel coorganized with Hanna Acke and Thoralf Klein at the 32. Deutscher Orientalistentag (Münster, 23–27 September 2013).


Conception and layout (with Barbara Hoster) of the exhibition “I Have Called You by Name” in the museum “Haus Völker und Kulturen” (Sankt Augustin), accompanying the conference “‘I Have Called You by Name.’ Contribution of Chinese Women to the Church,” S.V.D. Mission Seminary, Sankt Augustin, 25–26 September 2014.
