Conferences and Workshops organized by the Institute

Chronology of past activities



  • 26.09.2009

    Venturing into Magnum Cathay.

    - 17th Century Polish Jesuits in China: Michał Boym S.J. (1612–1659), Jan Mikołaj Smogulecki S.J. (1610–1656), and Andrzej Rudomina S.J. (1596–1633). International Workshop, 26 September – 1 October, 2009, Kraków

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  • 26.09.2003

    Symposium: Scholarly Dialogue on China: Monumenta Serica as Example

    - Zu einem sinologischen Symposium zum Thema "Scholarly Dialogue on China: Monumenta Serica as Example" luden im September das Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center (MSSRC) am College of Foreign Languages and Literature der Katholischen Fu-Jen-Universität in Taipei (Taiwan) in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Institut Monumenta Serica (Sankt Augustin) ein. 26—27 September 2003

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  • 19.09.2003

    Youtai - Presence and Perception of Jews and Judaism in China,

    - Internationales Symposium und Ausstellung, Germersheim. 19.—22. September 2003

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  • 20.05.2003

    Research on Nestorianism in China

    - 20—26 May 2003: International Conference "Research on Nestorianism in China," Salzburg (Austria), jointly held by the Institute of Church History and Patrology of the University of Salzburg, the private Institute for the Christian Orient and the Monumenta Serica Institute, Sankt Augustin. Dem aktuellen Forschungsstand zur Geschichte der Kirche des Ostens (dem sog. Nestorianismus) war eine internationale Konferenz in Salzburg vom 20. bis 26. Mai 2003 gewidmet.

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  • 21.02.2003

    "Fascination and Understanding. The Spirit of the Occident and the Spirit of China in Reciprocity," Smolenice Castle (Slovakia)

    - 21—25 February 2003: The conference attempts to elucidate and interpret the meaning of seminal ideas in the West (Abendland) and China which on one side arouse fascination and lead to attempts for understanding and comparison but on the other side might prevent understanding (Verstehen), focusing on historical, philosophical, literary, and religious aspects. Diese Konferenz stand in der Nachfolge von zwei früheren Konferenzen in Smolenice, die beide von Prof. MARIÁN GÁLIK initiiert und organisiert worden waren ("Interliterary and Intraliterary Aspects of the May Fourth Movement 1919 in China", 13.—17. März 1989, und "Chinese Literature and European Context", 22.—25. Juni 1993). Nach den Vorstellungen der Organisatoren sollte die jetzige Konferenz jedoch über das Feld der Literaturwissenschaft hinausgehen und auch die Gebiete der Philosophie, der Geschichte und der Religion berücksichtigen.

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  • 23.10.1995

    Laozi - Interpretation und Wirkung

    - October 23—27 1995: Monumenta Serica Institute participated in organizing an international conference held in Xi'an, China. The conference was jointly held by the Institute for Philosophy of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, the Monumenta Serica Institute and the China-Zentrum. The proceedings were published in the Chinese journal Zhongguo zhexue shi (History of Chinese Philosophy), No. 3-4 (1995).

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