Jidu xinyang de bendihua yu jinri Zhongguo shehui 基督信仰的本地化与今日中国社会
“Inculturation of the Christian Faith and Today’s Chinese Society”
20–23 October 2022, Macerata, Italy
Zbigniew Wesołowski SVD (Wei Siqi 魏思齊):
Lecture “Xi Jinping’s Zongjiao Zhongguohua (Chinazation of Religion) and Christian Idea of Inculturation”
Organizers: Li Madou Study Centre (Macerata, Italy) and China-Zentrum (Sankt Augustin, Germany)
In his contribution, the author compared Xi Jinping’s religious policy of zongjiao Zhongguohua (which he translated as “Chinazation of religion”) with the Christian idea of inculturation. For this goal, he first provided some terminological explications and then presented Xi Jinping’s core statements concerning his religious policy. Afterwards, he pointed to a possible origin of Chinazation of religions in present-day atheist Communist China. Subsequently, he explained the Christian idea of inculturation. Finally, he juxtaposed Xi Jinping’s religious policy of zongjiao Zhongguohua with the Christian idea of inculturation, highlighting three main points of difference: the difference in the source of authority (in whose name human beings speak), the difference in the way of implementation of the Christian idea of inculturation and Xi Jinping’s policy of Chinazation, and finally the difference in their ultimate objectives.