“Keep up the good fight!” / Jian xian si qi jixu fendou 見賢思齊繼續奮鬥

Festschrift in Honor of Zbigniew Wesołowski SVD

Keep up the good fightOn the occasion of his 65th birthday, Prof. Dr. Zbigniew Wesołowski SVD, Director and Editor-in-chief of the Monumenta Serica Institute (Sankt Augustin, Germany), was honored by a Festschrift for his contributions to making the Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center at Fu Jen Catholic University (New Taipei City, Taiwan) an international platform for Sinological studies and promoting academic exchange and friendship between East and West.

The Chinese title of the Festschrift alludes to a quotation from Lunyu  論語 (Analects of Confucius) 4,17: “Jian xian si qi”  見賢思齊  (“When we see men of worth, we should think of equaling them”), corresponding to the Chinese name of the honoree, Wei Siqi  魏思齊. The English title takes up the phrase jixu fendou  繼續奮鬥, which he frequently employs to encourage others. It calls to mind the biblical quotation “Keep up the good fight!” (1 Timothy 6:12).

The Festschrift is divided into the following parts: “History of Christianity in China and Vietnam” – “Studies on Christianity in Modern China" – “Translation and Interpretation” – "Sinology and Literature” and “Philosophy and Dialogue.” It includes 24 contributions in English, Chinese and one in German by colleagues, confreres, collaborators, and friends as well as an article honoring Zbigniew Wesołowski’s merits and mission at Fu Jen Catholic University and a bibliography of his writings.

Table of Contents:


Tabula gratulatoria


Lu Tze-Han 呂慈涵
Sunset Heralds the Dawn: Fr. Wei and His Mission at Fu Jen Catholic University

Bibliography of Zbigniew Wesołowski S.V.D.

     History of Christianity in China and Vietnam

D. E. Mungello
The Conflict between Chinese Priests and European Missionaries in the Underground Church in Eighteenth-Century Southern Zhili

Thierry Meynard
Seventeenth Century Jesuits in Vietnam and Their View on Confucianism

Claudia von Collani
Arbor Inutilis: The Dynastic Change in China of 1644 on Jesuit School Theater

Rita Widmaier
As a Doctor at the Court of Peking: Nicola Agostino Cima (OESA) Returning from China in Conversation with Leibniz

Gregor Weimar
Illustrations of China in the Neue Welt-Bott

     Studies on Christianity in Modern China

Peter Chen-main Wang 王成勉
An Appraisal of Protestant Churches in Taiwan Since 1950

Leo Leeb
The Catholic Philanthropist Lu Bohong and the Divine Word Missionaries in China

Dirk Kuhlmann
Rediscovering Religion within the Revolution: How Taiping Studies Expanded. Mainland Chinese Studies on the History of Christianity in the 1980-2000s

Tang Yaoguang 唐耀光
An Undiscovered Master: Fr. Joseph Xu Zongze
徐宗澤神父 —— 一位沒有被發現的大師

Xue Jiquan 薛紀權
Breaking the Cocoon: A Chinese Priest’s Perspective on the Chinese Church

     Translation and Interpretation

Feng-Chuan Pan 潘鳳娟
The French Perspective of the Sino-Japanese Literary Itinerary: Léon de Rosny and his Translation of The Book of Filial Piety

Lauren F. Pfister
Testing the Hermeneutic Justifications of Three Unusual Contemporary English Renderings of the Daodejing: Translations by Xu Yuanchong, Stephen Mitchell, and Hans Georg Moeller

Ren Dayuan 任大援
Commentary on Explication of Catholic Filial Piety

Anthony Hu Baozhu 胡寶柱
Dimensions of the Catholic Concept of “Filial Piety”: Interpretation of the Fourth Commandment in the Late Ming and Early Qing Dynasties as an Example

Niu Zhixiong 牛稚雄
A Preliminary Study of Chinese Translation of the Bible in the Catholic Context: With 1 Corinthians as an Example 公教語境的中譯初探:以格林多人前書為例

Wojciech Rybka
Sacred Journey in the Bible: Types, Examples, and Interpretations

     Sinology and Literature

Hartmut Walravens
Notes on the History of Sinology in the German-Speaking Area (Until the Beginning of the 20th Century)

Christoph Harbsmeier
Vergleichende Geschichte der Nachdenklichkeit im Altertum

Barbara Hoster
The Vision of an Earthly Paradise: Su Xuelin’s Prose Piece “Green Sky” (“Lü tian” 緑天)

Dan Bauer
A Glance at 4 Summers and 8 Issues of The Chinese Pen and The Taipei Chinese Pen

     Philosophy and Dialogue

Jiang Ryh-Shin 江日新
Liang Shuming’s Idea of Philosophy

Jijimon Alakkalam Joseph
Zhu Xi’s 朱熹 Dialogue with Buddhism – Lessons We Can Learn: With Special Reference to Their Cosmologies

Sonja Huang Mei Tin 黃渼婷
Encounter of Christianity and Daoism: The Cultural Interpretation of Daoism by Martino Martini S.J. (1614–1661)

Piotr Adamek
Iakinf Bichurin on Religions in China According to His Comprehensive Description of the Chinese Empire

Festschrift in Honor of Zbigniew Wesołowski SVD on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday / Jian xian si qi jixu fendou: Huayiren Wei Siqi shenfu liushiwu shouchen 見賢思齊繼續奮鬥——華裔人魏思齊神父六十五壽辰, ed. Piotr Adamek (Gu Xiaoyong 顧孝永) and Sonja Huang Mei Tin 黃渼婷, New Taipei City: Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center, 2022, LI, 378 pp., hardcover. NT$ 950. ISBN 978-986-0780-16-1

Orders: Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center, e-mail: MSSRC@mail.fju.edu.tw