Walking the Bridge of Philosophy

Visit of Participants of the 14th International Kant Congress to the Monumenta Serica Institute, 11 September 2024

Ten scholars from the Departments of Philosophy of Peking University, Renmin University, and Fudan University visited the Monumenta Serica Institute on 11 September 2024. The group participated, mostly as presenters in two panels on the reception of Kant’s philosophy in China, in the 14th International Kant Congress held at Bonn University from 8–13 September. The group included the professors Han Shuifa and Xu Longfei (both Peking University), Li Qiuling (Renmin University), He Teng (Fudan University), and the Ph.D. students Liao Zhongyang (Peking University) and Huang Wei (Renmin University).
This visit was a welcome opportunity for the Institute to provide an overview of its dual role as a Sinological publisher and research site. Given the visitors’ well-defined focus, the short presentation on the Monumenta Serica Institute and its library emphasized the institute’s publications on the concepts of philosophy, religion, and society in Chinese culture. In particular, Dirk Kuhlmann introduced library holdings on cross-cultural reflections in philosophy and religious studies in more detail, along with an invitation to further on-site researches in the future. The presentation offered a stepping stone for more in-depth discussions on the topic of common grounds between Eastern and Western philosophy.

Dirk Kuhlmann introduces the journal Monumenta Serica to the visitors.

Dirk Kuhlmann introduces the journal Monumenta Serica to the visitors. Photo by Mr. Gong Tiancheng, 11 September 2024.