The untimely loss of Fr. Roman Malek, former Director and Editor-in-chief of the Monumenta Serica Institute, is still deeply felt. Therefore, it was the express wish of the Polish Province of the Society of the Divine Word to honor this eminent S.V.D. missionary and expert on Chinese culture and religion with a commemorative volume featuring contributions in English, Polish, and German. In altogether 26 contributions, confreres, co-workers, fellow scholars, and friends offer insights from their current research and share their recollections of encounters with Fr. Malek and his influence on their scholarly and personal path.
The volume was edited by Fr. Michał Studnik S.V.D. in cooperation with the Monumenta Serica Institute. Part One comprises scholarly contributions on Fr. Malek’s research and his many other fields of interests, such as Chinese religions, the history of Christianity and the reception of the Bible in China, Chinese philosophy, the Church in China, and Sino-Western cultural exchanges. Part Two presents personal memories of Fr. Malek, including a short biographical overview on Fr. Malek and numerous pictures from different stages of his life that convey vivid and manifold impressions of the life and works of this immensely productive Divine Word missionary.
Fr. Roman Malek, who would have turned 70 on 3 October 2021, was a very active member of the S.V.D. campus in Sankt Augustin. He worked as a professor in the fields of Religious studies and Sinology at the Philosophical-Theological Faculty St. Augustin and the University of Bonn; he was the Founding Director of the China-Zentrum (1988–1998) and led the Monumenta Serica Institute as Director and Editor-in-chief from 1992 till 2012. In his different fields of work Fr. Malek was able to establish manifold contacts with the Catholic Church in China as well as scholars from all over the world. In addition, he authored and edited a plethora of academic works on Chinese culture.
Profesor Roman Malek SVD i jego dzieło dla Kościoła w Chinach:
Księga pamiątkowa
/ Prof. Roman Malek SVD und sein Wirken für die Kirche in China:
/ Prof. Roman Malek SVD and His Work for the Church in China:
Commemorative Volume
Editors: Barbara Hoster, Dirk Kuhlmann, Michał Studnik SVD, Zbigniew Wesołowski SVD
Górna Grupa: VERBINUM, 2021.
408 pp., Illus., ISBN 978-83-7192-591-7
€ 15.16 / US$ 16.90 (HB)
I Academic Contributions:
● Andrzej Miotk SVD, Prof. Roman Malek SVD – droga do sinologii: i aspekt instytucjonalny w jego działalności na rzecz misji chińskiej
● Zbigniew Wesołowski SVD, The Dao of Heaven: Roman Malek SVD (1951–2019) and His Search for the Nature of Chinese Religiosity
● Barbara Hoster, Feng Zhis Gedicht „Shizijia“ 十字架 („Kreuz”, 1929): Ein Nachtrag zu The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ
● Dariusz Klejnowski-Różycki ks., Mozi – anima naturaliter Christiana wśród Stu Szkół Filozoficznych
● Hu Baozhu, Hebrew Scriptures Retold in the Chinese Context: A Folk Presentation in the Shengjiao gushi xiaoshuo guci
● Claudia von Collani, Historia Magistra Vitae – the China Mission as a Kaleidoscope
● Franz Gmainer-Pranzl, Der „Chinesische Ritenstreit“ als Lehrstück kontextueller Theologie?
● Wojciech Rybka SVD, Chinese Equivalents of Greek Coinage Terms from the Synoptic Gospels: A Comparison of Selected Chinese Bible Translations
● Piotr Adamek SVD, The First Divine Word Missionaries in Taiwan
● Rémy Kurowski SAC, The Church as a Place of Dialogue between Civilizations ● Łukasz Gacek, O naturze wszechświata w Chinach
● Roderich Ptak, Mazu und Zheng He im Jahre 1403: Notizen zu Einträgen in zwei religiösen Texten
● Pier Francesco Fumagalli, Chinese Studies in Milan in the Borromaic Age (1560–1631)
● Dariusz Piwowarczyk SVD, Pierre Bourdieu, ein Postmodernist? Kritische Betrachtung aus Sicht des 21. Jahrhunderts
● Henryk Kałuża SVD, The Holy Spirit – the Power behind the New Evangelisation
II Personal Recollections:
● Weronika i Zdzisław Kreft, Wspomnienie o śp. Romanie
● John Zhang, Fr. Roman Malek: A Good Friend of the Catholic Church in China
● Sr. Agnes Lee SMIC, An Incredible Encounter
● Chen Shitan, Yearning for Professor Roman Malek SVD
● Katharina Feith, Mein genialer Lehrmeister P. Malek
● Peter Barry MM, A Remembrance of Father Doctor Roman Malek SVD: China Scholar and Missionary
● Antoni Koszorz SVD, Ojciec Roman Malek SVD – spiritus movens Stowarzyszenia Sinicum
● Zbigniew Wesołowski SVD, Nasza długa, wspólna droga życiowa w Sankt Augustin – wspomnienia o śp. Romanie Malku SVD
● Piotr Adamek SVD, Pater, Dux, Inspirator
Alfons Labudda SVD, Biogram o. prof. Romana Malka SVD (Biographical Sketch of Fr. Prof. Roman Malek’s Life)
Dodatkowe zdjęcia związane z życiem i działalnością o. prof. Romana Malka SVD (Additional Photos on the Life and Activities of Fr. Prof. Roman Malek SVD)
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