Publication of The Encounter of the Western World and Lao Zi

Xifang yu Laozi de xiangyu: Huayi xuezhi Laozi lunwen Zhongyi jingxuanji 西方與老子的相遇《華裔學志》——老子論文中譯精選輯 – The Encounter of the Western World and Lao Zi: Chinese Translation of Selected Articles on Lao Zi in Monumenta Serica, volume 12 of the series Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列, has been just published by Fu Jen Catholic University Press.

This publication presents various insights and perspectives on the philosophy of Laozi and the work ascribed to him, the Daodejing (Classic on the Way and the Virtue). Among the contributors are renowned scholars of Daoist religion and philosophy such as Livia Köhn, Florian Reiter, Wolfgang Bauer (1930–1997), and Irene Eber (1929–2019). All articles were previously published in Monumenta Serica – Journal of Oriental Studies. The collection was edited by Prof. Huang Meiting 黄渼婷, director of the Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Centre (MSSRC), and Prof. Zbigniew Wesołowski (Wei Siqi 魏思齊), former director of the MSSRC and current director and editor-in-chief of the Monumenta Serica Institute. The translation into Chinese was done by Dr. Jiang Ryh-Shin 江日新 (Hsing Wu University, New Taipei City, Taiwan), an expert on the philosophy of Laozi.

Included are the Chinese translations of the following articles:


KNUT WALF, Fascination and Misunderstanding: The Ambivalent Reception of Daoism by the West


WOLFGANG BAUER [1930–1997], Ich und Nicht-Ich in Laozis Daodejing


LUTZ GELDSETZER, Dao als metaphysisches Prinzip bei Lao Zi. Einige Gedanken zur Logik der metaphysischen Begriffsbildung


IRENE EBER [1929–2019], Martin Buber and Taoism


WALTER LIEBENTHAL [1886–1982], Lord ātman in the Lao-tzu


KONRAD WEGMANN [1932–2008], Laozi-Textversionen im Vergleich. Das Problem der historischen und inhaltsbezogenen, computergestützten strukturellen Darstellung


ROBERT G. HENRICKS, Chapter 50 in the Laozi: Is it “Three out of Ten” or “Thirteen”?


LEON HURVITZ [1923–1992], A Recent Japanese Study of Lao-tzu: Kimura Eiichi’s Rōshi no shin-kenkyū


ROLF TRAUZETTEL, Von Laozi 6 zu Laozi 42. Mythologischer, literarischer oder philosophischer Diskurs?


HANS-GEORG MÖLLER, Verschiedene Versionen des Laozi. Ein Vergleich mit besonderer Berücksichtigung des 19. Kapitels


AAT VERVOORN, Zhuang Zun: A Daoist Philosopher of the Late First Century B.C.


ALAN K.L. CHAN, The Essential Meaning of the Way and Virtue: Yan Zun and “Laozi Learning” in Early Han China


FLORIAN C. REITER, Zur Bedeutung und Funktion Lao-tzus im religiösen Taoismus


LIVIA KÖHN, Die Emigration des Laozi. Mythologische Entwicklungen vom 2. bis zum 6. Jahrhundert


CHRISTOPHER C. RAND, Chinese Military Thought and Philosophical Taoism


HENRIK JÄGER, Ein Beispiel buddhistischer Exegese. Das Daodejing jie von Großmeister Hanshan Deqing (1546-1623)


JANET A.H. KULLER, The “Fu” of the Hsün Tzu as an Anti-Taoist Polemic


Huang Meiting 黄渼婷 – Wei Siqi 魏思齊 (Zbigniew Wesołowski) (eds.). Xifang yu Laozi de xiangyu: Huayi xuezhi Laozi lunwen Zhongyi jingxuanji 西方與老子的相遇《華裔學志》——老子論文中譯精選輯 – The Encounter of the Western World and Lao Zi: Chinese Translation of Selected Articles on Lao Zi in Monumenta Serica. Translated by Jiang Ryh-Shin 江日新. Furen daxue Huayi xuezhi congshu xilie 輔仁大學華裔學志叢書系列, 12. Xinzhuang, New Taipei City: Fu Jen Catholic University Press, 2019. 432 pp.


ISBN: 978-957-8843-28-8

Price: NT$ 450