The Shaping of the Book of Songs

From Ritualization to Secularization

The present work is a study on the formation of the Shih-ching. The author poses the hypothesis that this collection of poems, as the standard music and literature passed down to later generations, initially incorporated different cultural heritages through a process which moved from ritualization to secularization, as well as standardization to localization.

In aiming to find the origins of the division of the Shih-ching into sections and subsections and their titles, as “Nan,” “Feng,” “Ya,” and “Sung,” the author employs an interdisciplinary methodology, combining ethno-musicological methods with paleography, philology, and archaeology. He draws on new archaeological data of the past two decades that has shed new light on the Shih-ching.



Chapter I
The State of the Field and the Methodological Concern

Chapter II
Yung 庸, Sung 頌 and Sunng 誦: Sacrificial Musical Works Performed in the Shang House

Chapter III
The Standardization of the Ya Music

Chapter IV
A Paleographic Analysis of Nan and Its Significance for Interpreting the Meaning of the “Nan” Section of the Book of Songs

Chapter V
The Localization of the Conception of Ya: The Revival of Shang Musical Elegance

Chapter VI
Towards a Conclusion




Monumenta Serica
Monograph Series LII

ISBN 978-3-8050-0541-8
ISSN 0179-261X