Reviews of MSMS XLIV

Donald D. Leslie: Jews and Judaism in Traditional China. A Comprehensive Bibliography


Erhard Roy Wiehn in China-Report 30 (1999): 37.

Josef N. Rudel in Die Stimme. Mitteilungsblatt für die Bukowiner 55 (1999) 587: 6.

D. E. Mungello in Sino-Western Cultural Relations Journal 21 (1999): 42f.

Jonathan Goldstein in The Journal of Chinese Religions 27 (1999): 191.

Péter Vámos in Acta Orientalia (Hung.) 52 (1999): 119-120.

Zhou Xun in Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 3rd Series 10 (2000) 1: 140.

Jonathan Goldstein, "The Sino-Judaic Bibliographic Tradition: An Introduction and Overview" in The Jews of China, Vol. 2: A Sourcebook and Research Guide, ed. Jonathan Goldstein (Armonk: Sharpe, 2000), p. viii.

François Aubin in Archives de Scieces Sociales des Religions 110 (2000): 77.

Morris Rossabi in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 95 (2000) 6: 696-697.

Herbert Franke in Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft 151 (2001) 2: 479-480.

R. J. Zwi Werblowsky in Numen 47 (2000): 117-118.