Reviews of MSMS L - Several Volumes

Roman Malek (ed.): The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ

Vols. 1 and 2:

G. Gispert-Sauch in Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection, Sept. 2004: 710-712.
PG Pandimakil in Mission. Journal of Mission Studies 12 (2005) 2: 334-335.
Patrick Fuliang Shan in China Review International 12 (2005) 1: 180-183.
John England in Asia Journal of Theology 20 (2006) 2: 445-446.
Franz Gmainer-Pranzl in Theologie Interkulturell 156 (2008): 323-324.

Vols. 1, 2 and 3a:

Claudia von Collani in Orientalistische Literaturzeitung 101 (2006) 4-5: 563-564.
Henry Rowold in Missio Apostolica XV (2007) 1: 61-63.

Vols. 2 and 3a:

Françoise Aubin in Archives de sciences sociales des religions 136 (2006): 90-92 (Review article “En Chine, le christianisme,” also including others works; for The Chinese Face of Jesus Christ, see pp. 75-92).

Vols. 3a and 3b:

G. Gispert-Sauch, S.J. in Vidyajyoti Journal of Theological Reflection 72 (2008) 3: 230-231.
Franz Gmainer-Pranzl in Theologie Interkulturell 156 (2008): 324-325.
Joseph Tse-hei Lee in Journal of Chinese Religions 36 (2008): 169-174.