“Encounter of Christianity and Multi-ethnic Groups: Classics, History, Religion and Images”


2021 International Symposium of Monumenta Serica (online)

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, the Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center at Fu Jen Catholic University together with the Monumenta Serica Institute in Germany was forced to organize its annual “International Symposium of Monumenta Serica” online for one day only (18 June 2021). The title of this year’s symposium “Encounter of Christianity and Multi-ethnic Groups [in China]: Classics, History, Religion and Images” defines as its starting point the history of Christianity in China and its various developments and achievements among ethnic minorities. Since Christianity entered China, it has not only spread the Gospel of Jesus to the Han nationality, but also to other nationalities living in China, nowadays called ethnic minorities. In addition to the Han nationality, the People's Republic of China officially recognizes 55 ethnic minorities in China, including those living in mainland China and the Taiwan aborigines.
During this one-day symposium, six scholars presented their contributions on the topic of missionary work and its achievements among different and various ethnic groups in China, explaining and interpreting Christian mission among ethnic minorities in Mainland China and Taiwan from different angles:

  1. Huang Meiting 黃渼婷: 耶穌會士杜赫德《中華帝國全志》對少數民族之描繪與文化解讀 (The Portrayal and Cultural Interpretation of Ethnic Minorities in Jean-Baptiste Du Halde’s Description de l'Empire de la Chine …)

  2. Li Jingfeng 李靜峰: 晚清時期天主教在廣西壯族地區傳播模式試析 (A Tentative Analysis of the Way of the Dissemination of Catholicism in Guangxi Zhuang Nationality Area in Late Qing Dynasty)

  3. Piotr Adamek (Gu Xiaoyong 顧孝永): Encounter of Jesuit Missionaries of the 17 and 18 Centuries with Tibet and Its Religion

  4. Liu Yue 劉悅: 景教墓碑中的蒙元文化因素 (The Mongolian Yuan-Dynasty Cultural Factors in the Nestorian Tombstones)

  5. Zheng Yinjun 鄭印君: 開創中的適應反思: 1861-1895 道明會與台灣原住民的會遇 (Reflections on Adaptation at the Beginning of Mission: The Encounter between the Dominicans and the Aborigines of Taiwan, 1861-1895)

  6. Liu Weiting 劉韋廷: 福音與部落:初探馬偕在噶瑪蘭族之宗教傳播 (The Gospel and an Ethnic Group: A Preliminary Study of the Missionary Work of George Leslie Mackay among the Kavalan [in Taiwan])