Dr. Piotr Adamek 顧孝永

Piotr Adamek studied Philosophy in Nysa and Theology at the Philosophical Theological Faculty S.V.D. in Sankt Augustin from 1993–1999. From 2000–2005 he studied Sinology at the Lomonosov Moscow State University, followed by further studies in the Chinese language at Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei and North-Western University, Xi’an. In 2012 he received his Ph.D. in Sinology from Leiden University, Netherlands with the thesis “A Good Son Is Sad if He Hears the Name of His Father. The Tabooing of Names in China as a Way of Implementing Social Values.” From 2012 to 2019 he held the position of the director of the Monumenta Serica Institute and was also associate professor at the Philosophical Theological Faculty S.V.D. in Sankt Augustin. From 2016 to 2019 he was also rector of the Divine Word Mission Seminary in Sankt Augustin, Germany. His research focuses on Chinese history, religions in China, Christianity and Christian missions in China, and the history of Western Sinology.



A Good Son Is Sad if He Hears the Name of His Father. The Tabooing of Names in China as a Way of Implementing Social Values. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 66. Sankt Augustin – Leeds.

With Huang Mei Ting, Huayi xuezhi zouguo bashi lishi zhaopian ji 華裔學志走過八十歷史照片集 (Historical Photo Collections of Monumenta Serica). Xinzhuang: Furen Daxue Huayi xuezhi hanxue yanjiu zhongxin (Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center).

Co-edited Volumes

With Sonja Huang Mei Tin
The Contribution of Chinese Women to the Church. Proceedings of the Conference “I Have Called You by Name,” September 25–26, 2014, Sankt Augustin (Germany).
Jointly published by Steyler Missionswissenschaftliches Institut, Monumenta Serica (Sankt Augustin, Germany), and Monumenta Serica Sinological Research Center (Taipei), together with China-Zentrum (Sankt Augustin, Germany)
Siegburg: Franz Schmitt Verlag.

Articles & Chapters in Edited Volumes

“Auf dem Weg vom prachtvollen Gestern in ein hoffnungsvolles Morgen: Die orthodoxe Kirche in Harbin” (From a Glorious Past towards a Promising Tomorrow: The Orthodox Church in Harbin), China heute 37 (2018) 2, pp. 118-121.

“Nadzieja we łzach” (Hope in Tears), Przegląd Katolicki No. 41 (2018), pp. 40-43.

“Przekopać górę” (Dig through a Mountain), Tygodnik Powszechny No. 43 (2018), pp. 38-39.

“Unworthy to Be Quoted among the Believers – Worthy to Be Quoted among the Martyrs. Women in the Orthodox Church in China,” Religions & Christianity in Today’s China 2017/4, pp. 25-33.

“Der Tod des letzten chinesischen Geistlichen und die Hoffnung auf eine neue Zukunft der Chinesischen Orthodoxen Kirche” (On the Death of the Last Chinese Priest and the Hope for Renewal of the Chinese Orthodox Church), China heute 36 (2017) 1, pp. 7-8.

“African Muslims and Christians and Their ‘Chinese Dream’,” in: Barbara Hoster – Dirk Kuhlmann – Zbigniew Wesołowski (eds.), Rooted in Hope. China – Religion – Christianity / In der Hoffnung verwurzelt. China – Religion – Christentum. Festschrift in Honor of Roman Malek pp.V.D. on the Occasion of His 65th Birthday / Festschrift für Roman Malek pp.V.D. zu seinem 65. Geburtstag. 2 vols. Monumenta Serica Monograph Series 68/1-2. Abingdon – New York: Routledge, 2017, vol. 2, pp. 867-877.

“Muzułmanie i chrześcijanie z Afryki w Chinach” (Muslims and Christians from Africa in China), in: Chińczycy u siebie i na emigracji. Lublin 2017, pp. 39-49.

With Eveline Warode, “Bibliographie zur Religion und Religionspolitik in China” (Bibliography on Religion and Religious Policy in China), China heute 36 (2017) 1, pp. 56-67, 36 (2017) 2, pp. 125-135, 36 (2017) 3, pp. 192-203, 36 (2017) 4, pp. 260-271.

“Misjonarz i sinolog. Misjonarska sinologia na przykładzie Michała Boyma (1612–1659), Jakinfa Biczurina (1777–1853) i Franciszka Ksawerego Białasa (1878–1936)” (Missionary and Sinologist. Missionary Sinology on the Example of Michał Boym (1612–1659), Hyacinth Bichurin (1777-1853) and Franz Xaver Biallas (1878-1936), in: Tyś z nami związał się przez Chrzest. 1050. rocznica Chrztu Polski. Podkarpacie 2016. Rzeszów 2017, pp. 347-364.

“Jedwabny Szlak z Watykanu do Chin nie istnieje” (The Silk Road from the Vatican to China Does Not Exist), Tygodnik Powszechny No. 35 (2017), pp. 34-36.

“Ciężkie czasy dla Kościoła w Chinach” (Hard Times for the Church in China), Tygodnik Powszechny No. 46 (2017), p. 38.

[Gu Xiaoyong 顧孝永], “Guanyu chuanjiaoshi hanxue de jidian sikao: Yi Bu Mige, Bi Qiulin, Bao Runsheng wei li” 關於傳教士漢學的幾點思考―以卜彌格、比丘林、鮑潤生為例, Hanxue yanjiu tongxun 漢學研究通訊 35 (2016) 3, pp. 1-10.

“The History of Orthodoxy in Xinjiang,” Etudes Orientales. Revue culturelle semestrielle 27-28 (2016), pp. 287-300.

“The Black Madonna from Xinjiang,” Etudes Orientales. Revue culturelle semestrielle 27-28 (2016), pp. 301-304.

With Eveline Warode, “Bibliographie zur Religion und Religionspolitik in China,” China heute 35 (2016) 1, pp. 59-67; 35 (2016) 2, pp. 121-135; 35 (2016) 3, pp. 190-202; 35 (2016) 4, pp. 263-271.

“Most między przeszłością i przyszłością” (A Bridge between the Past and the Future), Chiny Dzisiaj 2016/1-2, p. 3.

“Afrikanische Muslime und Christen und ihr ‘Chinesischer Traum’” (African Muslims and Christians and Their “Chinese Dream”), China heute 34 (2015) 3, pp. 175-181.

“The First Chinese since the Cultural Revolution has been Ordained a Deacon in the Orthodox Church,” Religions & Christianity in Today’s China 2015/1, p. 4.

“Orthodox Priests for China: First Ordination,” Religions & Christianity in Today’s China 2015/1, pp. 25-29.

“Zarys historii religii w Tybecie” (Outline of the History of Religion in Tibet), Chiny Dzisiaj 2015/3-4, pp. 48-52.

With Katharina Feith and Katharina Wenzel-Teuber, “Religie, chrześcijaństwo i Kościół w Chinach. Kronika. Notatki (1 lipca – 31 grudnia 2015)” (Religions, Christianity and the Church in China. Chronicle. Notes (July 1 – December 31, 2015), Chiny Dzisiaj 2015/3-4, pp. 3-10.

With Eveline Warode and Zbigniew Wesołowski, “Bibliographie zur Religion und Religionspolitik in China,” China heute 34 (2015) 1, pp. 58-67, 34 (2015) 2, pp. 124-135, 34 (2015) 3, pp. 190-202, 34 (2015) 4, pp. 262-271.

“Od redakcji: Chińscy chrześcijanie” (From the Editorial Office: Chinese Christians), Chiny Dzisiaj 2015/1-2, p. 3.

“Od redakcji: Chrześcijanie w Tybecie” (From the Editorial Office: Christians in Tibet), Chiny Dzisiaj 2015/3-4, p. 3.

“Historia i przyszłość prawosławia jako reprezentanta rosyjskiej kultury w Chinach” (The History and Future of Orthodoxy as a Representative of Russian Culture in China), in: Wielokulturowość-religia-tolerancja. Stan obecny i wyzwania na przyszłość. Praca zbiorowa pod redakcją Karola Jasińskiego i Romana Kordonskyy’ego. Olsztyn 2014, pp. 87-99.

“Tabuizowanie imienia w Chinach” (Tabooing the Name in China), Nurt SVD 2014/1, pp. 40-52.

“Orthodoxe Priesterausbildung für China: erste Weihen” (The Formation of Orthodox Priests in China: First Ordinations), China heute 33 (2014) 4, pp. 208-210.

“Польские миссионеры в Китае в XVII-XVIII вв.” (Polish Missionaries in China in 17–18 c.), in: Миссионеры на Дальнем Востоке. Материалы международной научной конференции. Санкт-Петербург, 19–20 ноября 2014 г., Ed. В.Ю. Климов et al., Sankt Petersburg: РХГА, 2014, pp. 5-6.

“Report on the Tenth Workshop of Young Catholic Scholars from China in Sankt Augustin, June 27-30, 2014,” Verbum SVD 55 (2014) 2-3, pp. 316-319.

With Eveline Warode and Zbigniew Wesołowski, “Bibliographie zur Religion und Religionspolitik in China,” China heute 33 (2014) 1, pp. 56-67, 33 (2014) 2, pp. 123-135, 33 (2014) 3, pp. 192-203, 33 (2014) 4, pp. 261-271.

“Od redakcji: Sztuka chrześcijańska w Chinach” (From the Editorial Office: Christian Art in China), Chiny Dzisiaj 2014, no. 1, p. 3.

“Zai dongfang yu xifang zhijian jianli yizuo qiaoliang” 在東方與西方之間建立一座橋樑, Furen Daxue Tianzhujiao xueshu yanjiuyuan tongxun 輔仁大學天主教學術研究院通訊 No. 15 (2013) (Newsletter of Academia Catholica Fu Jen) (online journal: LINK).

“Historisch und hoffnungsvoll: Besuch des orthodoxen Patriarchen Kirill in China” (Memorable and Promising: On the Visit of Orthodox Patriarch Kirill to China), China heute 32 (2013) 2, pp. 73-75.

“Die Probleme der orthodoxen Kirche in Taiwan” (Problems of the Orthodox Church in Taiwan), China heute 32 (2013) 2, p. 75.

With Eveline Warode und Zbigniew Wesołowski, “Bibliographie zur Religion und Religionspolitik in China,” China heute 32 (2013) 1, pp. 59-67, 32 (2013) 2, pp. 128-135, 32 (2013) 3, pp. 185-195, 32 (2013) 4, pp. 250-263.

“Kościół Wniebowzięcia Matki Bożej w górach Lushan” (Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the Lushan Mountains), Chiny Dzisiaj 2013/1, p. 51.

“Od redakcji: Stolica Apostolska i Chiny” (From the Editorial Office: Holy See and China), Chiny Dzisiaj 2013/1, p. 3.

“Historyczna i budząca nadzieje: Wizyta prawosławnego patriarchy Cyryla w Chinach” (Historical and Hopeful: Visit of the Orthodox Patriarch Cyril in China), Chiny Dzisiaj 2013/2, pp. 16-18.

“Problemy Kościoła prawosławnego na Tajwanie” (Problems of the Orthodox Church in Taiwan), Chiny Dzisiaj 2013/2, p. 18.

“Od redakcji: Misjonarze i miejscowa ludność” (From the Editorial Office: Missionaries and Local People), Chiny Dzisiaj 2013/2, p. 3.

“Od redakcji: Zaangażowanie społeczne religii” (From the Editorial Office: Social Engagement of Religions), Chiny Dzisiaj 2013/3, p. 3.

“Od redakcji: Rola kobiety w Kościele w Chinach” (From the Editorial Office: The Role of Women in the Church in China), Chiny Dzisiaj 2013/4, p. 3.

“Offizieller Besuch des orthodoxen Metropoliten Hilarion in China,” (Official Visit of the Orthodox Metropolitan Hilarion to China) China heute 2012/2, pp. 73-75.

“Die kleine Schwester der Muttergottes von Sheshan. Das Marienheiligtum in Shuidong (Provinz Anhui)” (The Little Sister to Our Lady of Sheshan. The Marian Shrine of Shuidong [Anhui Province]), China heute 2012/2, pp. 119-121.

“Trudna wizyta prawosławnego metropolity w Chinach” (A Difficult Visit of the Orthodox Metropolitan in China), Chiny Dzisiaj 2012/2, pp. 14-15.

“Sanktuarium na Górze Miłosiernej Matki w Chongqing (Kościoły w Chinach)” (Shrine Church on the Mount of the Merciful Mother in Chongqing [Churches in China]), Chiny Dzisiaj 2012/2, p. 51.

“Kościół Matki Bożej Królowej Różańca Świętego w Shenjiamen (Kościoły w Chinach)” (Church of Our Lady Queen of the Holy Rosary in Shenjiamen (Churches in China), Chiny Dzisiaj 2012/3-4, p. 51.

“Vergessene Missionsstation der Pekinger Geistlichen Mission. Die orthodoxe Kirche in der Mongolei” (A Forgotten Mission Station of the Peking Ecclesiastical Mission. The Orthodox Church in Mongolia), China heute 30 (2011) 2, pp. 114-117.

“Die Geschichte der orthodoxen Kirche in Xinjiang” (A History of the Orthodox Church in Xinjiang), China heute 29 (2010) 1, pp. 48-52.

“Die Schwarze Madonna aus Xinjiang” (The Black Madonna from Xinjiang), China heute 29 (2010) 1, pp. 53-54.

“Moskau und Konstantinopel. Differenzen und Gemeinsamkeiten der orthodoxen Missionen in China” (Moscow and Constantinople. Differences and Common Aspects of the Orthodox Missions to China), China heute 29 (2010) 3, pp. 144-147.

“Matka Boża jako wzór kobiety. Wpływ mysli prawosławnej na chińskiego pisarza Ba Jin” (Our Lady as a Model Woman. The Influence of the Orthodox Thought on the Chinese Writer Ba Jin), Chiny Dzisiaj 2010/1, pp. 48-49.

“Wiederbelebt oder noch am Leben? Die Situation der orthodoxen Kirche in China heute” (Resurrected or Actually Still Alive? On the Situation of the Orthodox Church in Today’s China), China heute 27 (2008) 1-2, pp. 42-44.

“Z historii prawosławia w Chinach” (From the History of Orthodoxy in China), Chiny Dzisiaj 2008/4, pp. 38-46.

“Prawosławne przekłady biblijne” (Orthodox Bible Translations), Chiny Dzisiaj 2007/4, pp. 49-50.

With Karezina I.P., “Православный катехизис на китайском языке архим. Иакинфа (Бичурина)” (Orthodox Catechism in Chinese of Fr. Iakinf (Bichurin) in: Общество и государство в Китае: XXXVI научная конференция : к 70-летию Алексея Анатольевича Бокщанина. Восточная литература РАН. Москва 2006, pp. 198-209.

Book Reviews

“Li Ji, God’s Little Daughters: Catholic Women in Nineteenth-Century Manchuria,” Monumenta Serica 67 (2019), forthcoming.

“Jinhua Jia, Xiaofei Kang, Ping Yao (eds.), Gendering Chinese Religion: Subject, Identity, and Body”, Monumenta Serica 65 (2017) 2, pp. 460-462.

“Erhard Rosner, Leitzeichen des Imperiums: Programmatische Ortsnamen in der Geschichte Chinas”, Monumenta Serica 64 (2016) 2, pp. 505-506.

“Perry Johansson, Saluting the Yellow Emperor: A Case of Swedish Sinography”, Monumenta Serica 61 (2013), pp. 361-363.


With Małgorzata Adamek, “Historia patriarchy Jabalahy III i mnicha rabbana Saumy” (The History of Patriarch Jabalaha III and the Monk Rabbab Sauma), Chiny Dzisiaj 2015/1-2, pp. 34-46.

“Rozkrzewianie wiary przez badania naukowe. 80. rocznica Monumenta Serica” (Spreading Faith through Scientific Research. The 80th Anniversary of Monumenta Serica), Chiny Dzisiaj 2015/3-4, pp. 16-17.

Dirk Kuhlmann, “The Nameless Majority. Impressions from a Workshop on the Role of Women in the Chinese Churches,” Religions & Christianity in Today’s China 2015/1, pp. 30-38, also published in Lumen: A Journal of Catholic Studies 3 (2015) 1, pp. 124-134 and Verbum SVD 55 (2014) 4, pp. 397-406.

(With Sławomir Rakus) Karl Josef Rivinius, “Audiencje przedstawicieli obcych państw u cesarzy chińskich w latach 1793–1873. Opracowanie porównawcze” (Audiences of Foreign State Representatives at the Chinese Emperors in 1793–1873. Comparative Study), Chiny Dzisiaj 2013/2, pp. 41-52.

Igor’ Aleksandrovič Alimov, “Boris L’vovič Riftin (7 Sept. 1932 – 3 Oct. 2012),” Monumenta Serica 60 (2012), pp. 517-525.

Herbert Franke, “Droga na Wschód. Żydzi w dawnych Chinach” (Road to the East. Jews in Ancient China), Chiny Dzisiaj 2012/1, pp. 44-48.

Zhu Haibin, “Najważniejsza tradycja religijna Chin. Religia ludowa” (The Most Important Religious Tradition of China. Folk Religion), Chiny Dzisiaj 2012/2, pp. 19-26.


“Christian History of Harbin,” Forum of Missionary Sinology, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, 13 November 2018.

“Polish Catholic in Karakorum, Nestorian Pekinger in Rome, Muslim Moroccan in Quanzhou. Three Travelers of 13–14 Century and Their Experience of the Other,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, 15 November 2018.

“Women and the Tabooing of Names in China: A Historical Review,” conference “Sinological Studies in Central Europe: Language and Culture – Literature and History – Religion and Philosophy,” Jagiellonian University, Krakow, 5–6 May 2016.

“Misjonarz i sinolog. Misjonarska sinologia na przykładzie Michała Boyma (1612–1659), Jakinfa Biczurina (1777–1853) i Franciszka Ksawerego Białasa (1878–1936)” (Missionary and Sinologist. Missionary Sinology on the example of Michał Boym (1612–1659), Hyacinth Bichurin (1777–1853) and Franz Xaver Biallas (1878–1936), Conference “Nieść światło wiary innym - misje polskie i polscy misjonarze,” in Muzeum Kardynała Kozłowieckiego w Hucie Komorowskiej, 21 September 2016.

“The Orthodox Church in China and Its Missionary Sinology,” National Central University, Zhongli, Taiwan, 10 June 2015.

“Guanyu chuanjiaoshi hanxue de jidian sikao: Yi Bu Mige, Bi Qiulin, Bao Runsheng wei li” 關於傳教士漢學的幾點思考―以卜彌格、比丘林、鮑潤生為例 (Reflections on the Missionary Sinology – Selected Examples: Boym, Bichurin, Biallas), National Central Library, Taipei, 21 August 2015.

“Kościół Katolicki w Chinach” (The Catholic Church in China), Keynote lecture at press conference to the 9th European Catholic China Colloquium (ECCC), Warsaw, 10 September 2015.

“Bolan de lishi” 波瀾的歷史 (History of Poland), Center of Chinese Language, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, 1 August 2015.

“Iakinf Bichurin on Religion and Education in China according to his Statistical Description of the Chinese Empire,” keynote lecture at the “Symposium on the Contribution of Missionary Sinology to the Knowledge of China and Taiwan,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, 3-4 January 2014.

“Die Orthodoxe Kirche in China. Geschichte und Gegenwart” (The Orthodox Church in China. Past and Present), University of Trier, 4 March 2014.

“Chrześcijaństwo w Chinach. Historia i współczesność” (Christianity in China. History and Present Day), Olsztyn University (Poland), 14 May 2014.

“‘Unworthy to be Quoted among the Believers – Worthy to be Quoted among the Martyrs’. Women in the Orthodox Church in China,” international workshop “‘I Have Called You by Name’ Contribution of Chinese Women to the Church,” S.V.D. Mission Seminary, Sankt Augustin, 25–26 September 2014.

“Польские миссионеры в Китае в XVII-XVIII вв.” (Polish Missionaries in China in 17-18 cent.), international conference of the Russian Academy of Science (Institute of Oriental Manuscripts) “Миссионеры на Дальнем Востоке” (Missionaries in the Far East), Sankt Petersburg, Russia, 19–20 November 2014.

“Historia i przyszłość prawosławia jako reprezentanta rosyjskiej kultury w Chinach” (The History and Future of Orthodoxy as a Representative of Russian Culture in China), conference “Wielokulturowość – religia - tolerancja. Stan obecny i wyzwania na przyszłość” (Multiculturalism – Religion – Tolerance. Current State and Future Challenges), Olsztyn University, 14 May 2014.

“Three Polish Jesuits in 17th c. China: Boym, Smogulecki and Rudomina,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, 20 December 2013.

“The Missionary Sinology of the Russian Orthodox Church and China: from the Beginning to the Present Day,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, 26 December 2013.

“The Tabooing of Names in China as an Important Cultural Factor of Intersubjective Relationship. A Historical Review,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, 17–20 May 2012.

“Russian or Chinese: The Orthodox Church in China – A Historical Review,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, 16 May 2012.

“Commentary on Russian Research on Orthodox Mission in China: Past and Present,” conference “The Contribution of Russian Sinology to the Knowledge of China,” Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei, 23–24 November 2012.

“The Tabooing of Names in China,” Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, 27 November


Participation at the Workshop “Notions of ‘Religion’, ‘Soul’ and ‘Spirit’ in a Trans-cultural Context,” University of Trier, 21 July 2014.

Organization of the International Workshop “‘I Have Called You by Name’ Contribution of Chinese Women to the Church,” S.V.D. Mission Seminary, Sankt Augustin, 25–26 September 2014.

Participation at the Conference “Tianzhujiao yu Zhongguo: duihua, bendihua yu zeren 天主教與中國―對話、本地化與責任. Catholicism and China: Dialogue, Inculturation and Responsibility” in Hong Kong, 6–8 November 2013.

Workshop for awardees of the Chen Yuan scholarship, Fu Jen Catholic University, 23 December 2013.